Causes and Remedies for Itchy Ears and Ear Infections

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Allergies ears It can be caused by several factors, blockages, excessive earwax and certain particles or substances. Quoted from Healthlineexcessive sensitivity of the body can cause an allergic reaction in the body. Certain cells in the immune system will release histamine. The release of histamine causes itching, increased mucus production and ear … Read more

The Importance of Regularly Washing and Storing Towels to Prevent Disease Transmission and Skin Problems

The Importance of Regularly Washing and Storing Towels to Prevent Disease Transmission and Skin Problems

WARTASULUH.COM- Unlike clothes or sheets, the cleanliness of towels often goes unnoticed. Not to mention, some people forget to wash and replace them. However, storing towels incorrectly, such as wet ones, can trigger the appearance of bacteria. Towels that are damp, wet and not completely dry will be a good medium for the growth of … Read more

Top 5 Bad Habits That Cause Itching in the Groin: How to Prevent and Treat It

Top 5 Bad Habits That Cause Itching in the Groin: How to Prevent and Treat It

Friday, 14 July 2023 – 00:04 WIB Jakarta – Itching in the groin is a common problem and can be very annoying. This itching can be caused by various factors, including fungal infections, skin irritation, allergies, excess humidity, or other factors. Read Also: Anopheles Mosquito, Spreader of Malaria in Hot Weather Therefore, the cleanliness and … Read more

Understanding Fatty Liver Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Complications

Understanding Fatty Liver Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Complications

Fatty Liver Disease: Recognizing Symptoms and Seeking Timely Treatment By Asmaa Morsi The liver is a vital organ in the body, responsible for breaking down food and eliminating toxins from the blood. However, many people may not be aware of the early signs of liver disease, particularly fatty liver disease. This condition often progresses without … Read more

Skin Changes During Pregnancy: Hormonal and Specific Rashes With Potential Risks for Mothers and Babies

Skin Changes During Pregnancy: Hormonal and Specific Rashes With Potential Risks for Mothers and Babies

Key Point : Common skin changes during pregnancy include: hormonal rash and specific rash in pregnant women which have different symptoms and characteristics of the disease Since the symptoms do not affect the baby Until it can cause miscarriage. hormonal rash There will be changes in the skin, hair, nails, connective tissue, and blood vessels. … Read more

Banana Peel for Itchy Skin Troubles | Itchy Skin | Banana Peel | Itch Relief | Natural Remedies

Banana Peel for Itchy Skin Troubles | Itchy Skin | Banana Peel | Itch Relief | Natural Remedies

[Voice of Hope March 1, 2023](Editor: Zhao Zixin) Skin itching is a disturbing condition, and many friends may have experienced this very uncomfortable feeling. Although there are many anti-itching drugs and habitual scratching, it may sometimes bring more problems, such as skin Infection or inflammation or drug side effects etc. In fact, in addition to … Read more

Why does the penis itch after sex? Beware, Could Be PMS

Why does the penis itch after sex?  Beware, Could Be PMS

tim | CNN Indonesia Friday, 17 Feb 2023 22:00 WIB Itchy penis after sex may sound trivial but annoying. One possible cause is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). (iStock/Diy13) Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Penis itching after sex may sound trivial but disturbing. One possible cause is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Intimate sessions that should … Read more