Screeners Visit Elderly Care Home: Majority of Residents Experiencing Hearing and Vision Problems

Screeners Visit Elderly Care Home: Majority of Residents Experiencing Hearing and Vision Problems

The screeners visited the location. In one room, residents’ hearing was tested, in another room their vision. Linda: ‘A lot came out of it. Of the 36 residents, approximately 30 appeared to have problems with their hearing and/or vision. Four of them are even socially blind. That means you only see 20 to 30 percent.’ … Read more

Buses transporting migrants from Texas to New York City are being rerouted to New Jersey train stations

Buses transporting migrants from Texas to New York City are being rerouted to New Jersey train stations

Migrant buses arriving in New Jersey The Mayor of Secaucus, New Jersey says buses of migrants bound for New York City have been stopping at the train station in his town and others in an apparent effort to evade an executive order by Mayor Eric Adams trying to regulate how and when migrants can be … Read more

The ECB named three main risks for European banks

The ECB named three main risks for European banks

Первый связан с тем, что высокие ставки усиливают риски для финансирования собственных обязательств кредитных организаций. Рост процентных платежей по депозитам в данном случае сопровождается изменением структуры задолженности. Это выражается в сокращении числа сделок на межбанковском рынке, в частности в сегменте овернайт, и ростом доли более длинных инструментов, отмечают в ЕЦБ. «Высокая в настоящее время прибыльность … Read more

International Court of Arbitration for Sports Examining Cases of Al-Nasr, Al-Ahly, and Al-Ittihad

International Court of Arbitration for Sports Examining Cases of Al-Nasr, Al-Ahly, and Al-Ittihad

Sports Observatory: Jurist Ahmed Al-Sheikhi revealed that the International Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) is examining 3 cases related to Al-Nasr, Al-Ahly, and Al-Ittihad. Al-Sheikhi wrote through his official account on the He added: “The arbitrators have already issued decisions in some cases, but they will not be officially announced for months from now … Read more

Saudi Female Lawyer Celebrates Victorious Case Outcome: Al-Marsad Newspaper

Saudi Female Lawyer Celebrates Victorious Case Outcome: Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: A video clip circulating on social media documented the reaction of a Saudi female lawyer after she won a case. The video showed the lawyer sitting with two of her colleagues, watching the issuance of the ruling in one of the cases entrusted to her. As soon as she learned that the ruling … Read more

Apple Releases iOS 17.0.2 Update for iPhone 15 Users to Resolve Data Transfer Issue

Apple Releases iOS 17.0.2 Update for iPhone 15 Users to Resolve Data Transfer Issue

iPhone 15 phone owners had complained of a problem that prevented data from being transferred directly from other iPhones when setting up iPhone 15 phones for the first time. Apple had launched the iOS 17.0.2 update first for the iPhone 15, before now making it available to all iPhone users who recently updated their devices … Read more

Ministry of Sports Overcomes Foreign Issues of Saudi Clubs: New Star Registrations Allowed

Ministry of Sports Overcomes Foreign Issues of Saudi Clubs: New Star Registrations Allowed

Sports Observatory: Sports journalist Tariq Al-Nofal revealed the move of the Ministry of Sports regarding the foreign issues of clubs. Al-Nofal wrote on his Twitter account: The Ministry of Sports closes all foreign cases on Saudi clubs that prevented them from registering new stars. Watam Al-Nofal: Thank you, Minister of Sports. The Ministry of Sports … Read more

The Importance of Justice in Saudi Arabia: Understanding the Lengthy Process of Terrorism and Retribution Cases

The Importance of Justice in Saudi Arabia: Understanding the Lengthy Process of Terrorism and Retribution Cases

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Journalist Abdullah Bajad Al-Otaibi explained why terrorism and retribution cases in the Kingdom took a long time. He said during an interview with Al-Arabiya TV: “This is evidence of the importance and value of justice in Saudi Arabia, noting that all cases in Saudi Arabia take their time. He added, “But specifically, the … Read more

Kazakh banks will be allowed to export Russian rubles from the country

Kazakh banks will be allowed to export Russian rubles from the country

A draft resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On some issues of ensuring the financial stability of the Republic of Kazakhstan” has been prepared, reports. “To allow second-tier banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan to export cash Russian rubles from the Republic of Kazakhstan,” the document says. The purpose of the … Read more

Egyptian President El-Sisi Punishes Judges and Prosecutor with Transfers to Non-Judicial Positions

Egyptian President El-Sisi Punishes Judges and Prosecutor with Transfers to Non-Judicial Positions

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi issued 3 decisions punishing two judges and a prosecutor, and transferring them to non-judicial positions, according to disciplinary provisions. Al-Sisi decided to transfer Gawish Mohamed El-Sayed Gawish, a prosecutor at the South Sohag Prosecution Office, to a non-judicial position in the Central Agency for Organization and Administration, according to … Read more