iPhone 16 Remains Illegal in Indonesia: Minister of Industry Confirms Lack of IMEI License and Compliance Issues

iPhone 16 Remains Illegal in Indonesia: Minister of Industry Confirms Lack of IMEI License and Compliance Issues

The Minister of Industry (Menperin), Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, confirmed again that the status of the iPhone 16 series in Indonesia is still illegal. The reason is that the Ministry of Industry has not issued an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) license for Apple’s latest cell phone. “If iPhone 16 can work in Indonesia, that means … Read more

Staying stuck for 5 hours between rocks to retrieve an iPhone, this woman did it

Staying stuck for 5 hours between rocks to retrieve an iPhone, this woman did it

With smartphones becoming more and more expensive, containing a multitude of personal information and memories, losing this device can cause people to do some pretty unusual things. This is also the case of a young Australian in her twenties, who decided to get stuck between rocks to recover her iPhone. Do everything to recover your … Read more

Apple and the refurbished gold mine – The reasons why Gen Z chooses them –

Apple and the refurbished gold mine – The reasons why Gen Z chooses them

Last September, Apple commercially launched its new line of iPhone devices. Although the general rule is that the American company reaches its peak sales during the holiday season, the start of the new series does not seem to have been particularly impressive. Apple analysts estimate that pre-orders in the first weekend of the launch were … Read more

Resident Evil 2: the remake of the dated cult game on new platforms

Resident Evil 2: the remake of the dated cult game on new platforms

Since last year, Capcom carry your games Resident Evil on iOS. Players who own a compatible device can already enjoy Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil 4 et Resident Evil 7: Biohazard on their iPhone, iPad or Mac, but another opus will arrive soon. Capcom had already announced it, but he reminds us : Resident Evil … Read more

Why Did Microsoft and Apple Skip Windows 9 and iPhone 9? Discover the Surprising Reasons Behind Their Number Choices!

Why Did Microsoft and Apple Skip Windows 9 and iPhone 9? Discover the Surprising Reasons Behind Their Number Choices!

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — The technology giants Microsoft and Apple skipped the number 9 in their products, namely Windows and iPhone. So why isn’t it there? Windows 9 and iPhone 9? Microsoft regularly releases its computer operating system called Windows along with a version number. At the same time, Apple launched its cell phone, the … Read more

Criticism of annual iPhone updates: Too little for too much money?

Criticism of annual iPhone updates: Too little for too much money?

Every fall there is a new iPhone: after that, people have been able to get the Apple Watch for many years. But does this rapid product succession make sense if only evolutionary innovations are to be expected – this time with the iPhone 16, for example new SoCs and camera controls for all models, plus … Read more

Why Apple’s iPhone 16 Can’t Be Sold in Indonesia: Key Insights from Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang

Why Apple’s iPhone 16 Can’t Be Sold in Indonesia: Key Insights from Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Minister of Industry And Gumiwang Kartasasmita explained the reasons behind Apple’s latest product, iPhone 16it cannot be officially sold in Indonesia yet. And he explained that the reason was because Apple was still hindered by complying with the 40 percent Domestic Contribution Rate (TKDN) regulations set by the government. “The iPhone … Read more

Apple’s Investment Hurdle: TKDN Certification Delay Impacts iPhone 16 Sales in Indonesia

Apple’s Investment Hurdle: TKDN Certification Delay Impacts iPhone 16 Sales in Indonesia

Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, Minister of Industry (Menperin) said that the extension of the domestic component level certificate (TKDN) for the technology company Apple is still waiting to realize the physical investment, so that the products can His iPhone 16 sold in Indonesia. “Previously, Apple was able to sell its products in Indonesia because they had … Read more