Changes to iPhone Call Button Placement in iOS 17: User Reactions and Apple’s Response

Changes to iPhone Call Button Placement in iOS 17: User Reactions and Apple’s Response

Apple Reverses Button Change ‌in iOS 17 Beta Version Following User⁣ Complaints August 16, ⁤2023 – In‌ a recent ​beta version of the iOS system,⁤ Apple made ⁤a slight change‍ to⁢ the ​position of ⁤the button ‌for ending calls on the iPhone. While this may seem like a minor and insignificant change, ending⁢ a call … Read more

Netizens in Taiwan/Hong Kong Lose AirPods Pro: Tracking Reveals Surprising Locations

Netizens in Taiwan/Hong Kong Lose AirPods Pro: Tracking Reveals Surprising Locations

Netizens in Taiwan/Hong Kong lost their AirPods Pro|There is an idiom in Chinese called “snacking the sheep by hand”. Many times, they don’t intend to steal other people’s property, but when they see the small things, they just bag them up and take them home. Recently, some netizens in DCard in Taiwan and Lian Deng … Read more

Review: Nikon Z 50 Mirrorless Camera – Lightweight, Portable, and Affordable

Review: Nikon Z 50 Mirrorless Camera – Lightweight, Portable, and Affordable

The Nikon Z 50 is an APS-C format mirrorless camera with 20.88 million effective pixels and 4K video shooting performance. At the same time, the body is light, portable and easy to handle. What is particularly rare is that, under the current background of shortages and price hikes in the overall mirrorless market, the price … Read more

Ver.4.0 Update Reveals New Elements: Increased Relic Limit and New Travel Weapons

Ver.4.0 Update Reveals New Elements: Increased Relic Limit and New Travel Weapons

The image is the key visual for Ver.3.8 On August 2nd, HoYoverse released new elements related to the Ver.4.0 update scheduled for distribution in the open world RPG “Genshin” for PlayStation 5/PlayStation 4/Android/iOS/PC. Starting with the implementation of the new map “Fontaine”, information on the large-scale update Ver.4.0 has been released one after another, but … Read more

The Life and Career of Steve Jobs: From Apple to Pixar

The Life and Career of Steve Jobs: From Apple to Pixar

Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Inc, which gave the world the iPhone and iPad, and the slightly lesser-known NeXT. At the time when he headed the Pixar animation studio, it became one of the leading players on the market. Talented and reckless Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His father was … Read more

Apple Introduces Game Mode for iOS and iPadOS, Could Threaten Asus ROG Phone

Apple Introduces Game Mode for iOS and iPadOS, Could Threaten Asus ROG Phone

Apple Adds⁢ “Game Mode” to macOS, Potentially Expanding into Mobile Gaming Market (Image: AFP) Should⁢ Asus ROG Phone be worried? Apple has added a “Game Mode” to⁤ macOS this year, allowing users to further maximize the ​CPU and GPU performance of their computers. It is reported that this feature will also be​ available on iPhone … Read more

Introducing Photon: A Powerful iOS App for Manual iPhone Photography

Introducing Photon: A Powerful iOS App for Manual iPhone Photography

LateNiteSoft, a long-established app development company, recently launched an iOS app called “Photon” following the launch of the popular iPhone photography app “Camera+”. This app provides powerful manual controls for iPhone users. Features Photon is powerful enough to precisely adjust focus, exposure (including shutter speed and ISO settings), and white balance. To perfect your photos, … Read more

Wi-Fi 7 Router香港開賣|Wi-Fi 7制式優勢及全港首系列路由器

Wi-Fi 7 Router香港開賣|Wi-Fi 7制式優勢及全港首系列路由器

題。Wi-Fi⁤ 7 路由器香港開賣,為用戶提供更快速的網絡體驗。 隨著科技的不斷進步,網絡已成為現代生活中不可或缺的一部分。為了滿足用戶對更快速、更穩定的網絡連接的需求,Wi-Fi 7制式應運而生。Wi-Fi 7是一種全新的網絡制式,預計將於2023年下半年成為主要的網絡標準。 在Wi-Fi 6E制式剛剛推出一年之後,Wi-Fi 7制式已經準備就緒,並在香港市場上市。除了少數支援Wi-Fi ⁢7的手機和電腦已經上市外,Wi-Fi 7路由器也已獲得香港通訊辦公室(OFCA)的發牌許可,預計下個月將在香港公開發售。 Wi-Fi 7制式將帶來許多優點,讓用戶能夠享受更快速、更穩定的網絡連接。首先,Wi-Fi ⁣7將提供更高的傳輸速度,預計最高可達30Gbps,比目前的Wi-Fi 6制式快上三倍。這將使用戶能夠更快地下載和上傳大型文件,觀看高清視頻和進行線上遊戲,提供更流暢的網絡體驗。 此外,Wi-Fi 7還將提供更低的延遲時間,這對於需要即時互動的應用程序非常重要,例如線上遊戲和視頻通話。低延遲時間將使用戶能夠更快地響應和傳輸數據,提供更流暢的使用體驗。 另外,Wi-Fi 7還將提供更好的網絡容量和效能。它將支援更多的同時連接設備,並提供更好的網絡覆蓋範圍。這將使用戶能夠在家中的各個角落都能夠獲得穩定的網絡連接,無論是在臥室、客廳還是花園。 對於那些希望升級家中網絡速度的用戶來說,Wi-Fi​ 7的推出無疑是一個好消息。然而,由於Wi-Fi ⁣7是一種全新的制式,目前市場上支援Wi-Fi 7的設備還比較有限。因此,用戶在購買Wi-Fi ⁢7路由器之前,應該先確保自己的手機、電腦等設備是否支援Wi-Fi 7。 總的來說,Wi-Fi 7的推出將為用戶提供更快速、更穩定的網絡連接。隨著Wi-Fi 7路由器在香港市場的開賣,用戶將有機會升級家中的網絡設備,享受更順暢的網絡體驗。然而,用戶在購買之前應該先確保自己的設備支援Wi-Fi 7,以充分發揮Wi-Fi 7的優勢。Wi-Fi​ 7 Routers Now Available ‍in ⁢Hong ‍Kong After⁣ a ​year since the‍ introduction ⁢of the transitional ​Wi-Fi 6E standard,⁣ the ⁤Wi-Fi 7 standard is now … Read more