German Companies at Risk: The Growing Wave of Activism in Europe

German Companies at Risk: The Growing Wave of Activism in Europe

Munich (ots) – – Underperformance makes German companies targets for activists – Another big wave of activism expected in Europe towards the end of the year -143 companies identified as potential targets Alvarez & Marsal (A&M), a leading global consulting firm, presents an updated progress report on its A&M Activist Alert (AAA). The report has … Read more

Investors Predict Unprecedented Scale of Copper Buying as EV Use and Renewable Energy Grows

Investors Predict Unprecedented Scale of Copper Buying as EV Use and Renewable Energy Grows

Investors look set to pile into the copper market on an unprecedented scale over the next few years as the use of electric vehicles and renewable energy grows, according to analysts at Citigroup Inc. The key industrial metal is widely seen as a proxy for global economic activity and prices have collapsed in recent months … Read more

“Banking Fears and Covid-19 Concerns: Impacting Stock Markets in US and Spain”

“Banking Fears and Covid-19 Concerns: Impacting Stock Markets in US and Spain”

There are expectant investors. Waiting to see what finally happens with business resultsespecially with those of banks in spain and the ‘big tech’ in the US this week, and expectant by the conclusions that the Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank (ECB) will reach next week. In this context of uncertainty, what is … Read more

“Private Equity Outperforms Commodities as Top Asset Class over Past Decade: Mercer’s Rankings”

“Private Equity Outperforms Commodities as Top Asset Class over Past Decade: Mercer’s Rankings”

A recent analysis by KiwiSaver provider Mercer revealed that private equity has outperformed other asset classes over the past decade, with an average return of 16.4%. This was achieved through long-term investment in private equity funds or firms like Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. Mercer’s Chief Investment Officer, Padraig Brown, emphasized that private equity is increasingly … Read more

These are the main investors in Nicaragua

These are the main investors in Nicaragua

Quite contrary to the anti-imperialist discourse of Daniel Ortega, it is the United States that is at the forefront of Foreign Direct Investment in Nicaragua. Joe Biden, US President; Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada and Andrés Obrador, President of Mexico. Last year the income from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) totaled “1,842.3 million dollars”, according … Read more

News Belgium :: Cameroonian Investors conquering Belgium. :: Belgium news

News Belgium :: Cameroonian Investors conquering Belgium.  :: Belgium news

At the initiative of the Cameroon Development Committee CODECAM, a Belgian-Cameroonian non-profit and apolitical civil society organization in partnership with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), a group of men from Cameroonian Affairs will carry out a mission from July 2 to 9 The City of KORTRIJK in Belgium. This is to further … Read more

CEO of Man Group predicts more bank failures over the next two years.

CEO of Man Group predicts more bank failures over the next two years.

Luke Ellis, chief executive of British hedge fund giant Man Group Co. He indicated that he would. Taken last November. (2023 REUTERS/Tyrone Siu) [ロンドン 22日 ロイター] -Luke Ellis, CEO of Man Group, a major British hedge fund, said on the 22nd that the turmoil caused by the collapse of the US bank in Silicon Valley … Read more

Regime scares away investment in a country where “legal security does not exist”

Regime scares away investment in a country where “legal security does not exist”

The regime sinks an increasingly impoverished country, where investment possibilities are rapidly diluting. official media. Networks/NI Faced with a scenario where properties are confiscated from citizens and non-governmental organizations, and also the legal status of business associations such as the Superior Council for Private Enterprise (COSEP) and its chambers are cancelled, the Ortega regime creates … Read more