“Nazaha” reveals the details of the investigation with 437 employees in 7 ministries for corruption offenses and announces the suspension of 170 of them

“Nazaha” reveals the details of the investigation with 437 employees in 7 ministries for corruption offenses and announces the suspension of 170 of them

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Anti-Corruption and Control Authority announced that it has initiated a series of criminal and administrative proceedings during the month of Jumada Al-Awwal 1444 AH through the implementation of 2426 rounds of control. The inspection visits led to the investigation of 437 employees, 170 of whom were suspended from the Ministries of the … Read more

At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

At least 15 intimate images taken by robot vacuum cleaners have surfaced on social media

The images, the paper notes, were not made by a person, but by developed versions of the iRobot Roomba J7 series robot vacuum cleaner. They were then sent to Scale AI, a startup that hires employees around the world to tag (called annotate) audio, photo and video data used to train the AI. MIT Technology … Read more

The founder of SMRC advises the PAN to improve, alluding to the resignation of Amien Rais

The founder of SMRC advises the PAN to improve, alluding to the resignation of Amien Rais

Jakarta – Saiful Mujani, the founder of the SMRC survey, opened his voice after its institution was launched by Waketum PAN Yandri Susanto. Saiful Mujani estimated the PAN eligibility survey results should be 1.7% as an effort for self-improvement. “There is no need to answer something like that. It should be input to PAN even … Read more

PAN attacks SMRC after only 1.7% electability in poll

PAN attacks SMRC after only 1.7% electability in poll

Jakarta – The eligibility of the National Mandate Party (PAN) of the Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) poll at 1.7%. PAN Deputy Chief Yandri Susanto said the poll was invalid. “PAN has participated in elections 5 times, Alhamdulillah, always crosses the parliamentary threshold far above the figures estimated or displayed, or narrated by investigative … Read more

Historic achievement in the field of nuclear fusion… American scientists achieve a major scientific breakthrough

Historic achievement in the field of nuclear fusion… American scientists achieve a major scientific breakthrough

US scientists at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory announced on Tuesday that they had achieved a “major scientific breakthrough” in the field of nuclear fusion, in a development they described as a “historic achievement”. The lab revealed in a tweet that an experiment it conducted this month “produced, through nuclear fusion, … Read more