Mercedes Milá apologized to Susana Estrada, sorry for the interview she did with her on TVE 45 years ago

Mercedes Milá apologized to Susana Estrada, sorry for the interview she did with her on TVE 45 years ago

Mercedes Dear e Inés Hernand This Wednesday they conducted a new delivery of I do not know what you are talking about in which they delved into the topic of the sexuality. To do this, the TVE presenters received a visit from Paco Leon y Susana Estradaactress and former vedette whom Milá he asked for … Read more

The Truth About Cold Remedies: Doctor Explains What Works and What Doesn’t

The Truth About Cold Remedies: Doctor Explains What Works and What Doesn’t

News. Society 00:10, 23 January 2024 Photo: © gpointstudio / Freepik The doctor explained how a cold can be cured and who should not take certain medications. There is no cure for the common cold, so most of the drugs used to treat it are useless, warned John Mafi, an associate professor at the David … Read more

CIA Video Encouraging Russians to Cooperate: Recruitment Tactics and Russian Response

CIA Video Encouraging Russians to Cooperate: Recruitment Tactics and Russian Response

The US Central Intelligence Agency published a video on its social networks entitled “Why I contacted the CIA: for the sake of the Motherland,” in which it once again calls on Russians to cooperate with the agency. The video presents the internal monologue of a fictional 35-year-old employee of the GRU (the main directorate of … Read more

Postal voting will ‘deepen democracy’

Postal voting will ‘deepen democracy’

Ahead of Monday’s submission of a bill instituting the postal vote to Parliament, Interior Minister Niki Kerameus has described the stance of major opposition parties, which have accepted the measure in principle, as a “promising signal for our political system.” In an interview with Kathimerini’s Sunday edition, Kerameus also dismissed criticism from some quarters of … Read more

66-Year-Old Businessman Arrested for Illegally Exporting Sensitive American Technologies to Russia

66-Year-Old Businessman Arrested for Illegally Exporting Sensitive American Technologies to Russia

In the United States, 66-year-old Ilya Kan was arrested, accused of exporting “sensitive American technologies” to Russia. About it reported on the US Department of Justice website. The Ministry of Justice reported that Kan is a citizen of the United States, Israel and Russia. According to court documents, Kahn owns US companies Senesys Incorporated and … Read more

Record-Breaking Billion-Ruble Lawsuits Filed in Moscow and St. Petersburg Over ‘Naked’ Party

Record-Breaking Billion-Ruble Lawsuits Filed in Moscow and St. Petersburg Over ‘Naked’ Party

Two lawsuits were filed in the courts of Moscow and St. Petersburg due to the “naked” party. The amount of claims for each of them is one billion rubles, RIA Novosti reports. In Moscow, a group of citizens led by producer Alexander Inshakov filed a class action against TV presenter Nastya Ivleeva in the Tagansky … Read more

Former Rector of Moscow Trinity Church Defrocked by Diocesan Court: Latest News

Former Rector of Moscow Trinity Church Defrocked by Diocesan Court: Latest News

The Moscow diocesan court defrocked the former rector of the Moscow Trinity Church in Khokhly, Alexei Uminsky. This decision was made at a meeting of the church court on Saturday, January 13. About it reports “New Newspaper”. Now this decision must be approved by Patriarch Kirill. Court secretary Alexander Mironov told Novaya Gazeta that “the … Read more

Jahrgang 3135: Das ungewöhnliche Filmfest in Ibncvsh流 Im Fokus: Die Erwartungen an den neuen Filmfestleiter流 Dieser Titel soll jemanden dazu bringen, auf den Link zu klicken, um mehr über das Filmfest in Ibncvsh zu erfahren. Es wäre ideal, wenn der Titel auch das Interesse am neuen Filmfestleiter weckt und die ungewöhnlichen Merkmale des Filmfestes hervorhebt. Es wäre auch gut, wenn der Titel die Neugierde auf besondere Veranstaltungen weckt und deutlich macht, dass die Informationen im Artikel brandneu sind.

Jahrgang 3135: Das ungewöhnliche Filmfest in Ibncvsh流
Im Fokus: Die Erwartungen an den neuen Filmfestleiter流

Dieser Titel soll jemanden dazu bringen, auf den Link zu klicken, um mehr über das Filmfest in Ibncvsh zu erfahren. Es wäre ideal, wenn der Titel auch das Interesse am neuen Filmfestleiter weckt und die ungewöhnlichen Merkmale des Filmfestes hervorhebt. Es wäre auch gut, wenn der Titel die Neugierde auf besondere Veranstaltungen weckt und deutlich macht, dass die Informationen im Artikel brandneu sind.

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Interview with SK Raiffeisen Zell am Ziller Captain Martin Hotter: Championship Aspirations and Football Insights

Interview with SK Raiffeisen Zell am Ziller Captain Martin Hotter: Championship Aspirations and Football Insights

Details Monday, January 8, 2024 6:39 p.m Tirol continues the series with the interview series of captains in the lower house today in the East regional league SK Raiffeisen Zell am Ziller continued. Zell am Ziller was able to reach sixth place in the first half of the season and for captain Martin Hotter, … Read more

“The State Knew About Aldo Moro’s Death Hours Before Red Brigades Announcement” – Exclusive Report Reveals Insights from Former Socialist Party Official

“The State Knew About Aldo Moro’s Death Hours Before Red Brigades Announcement” – Exclusive Report Reveals Insights from Former Socialist Party Official

The State learned of Aldo Moro’s death hours before the phone call with which the Red Brigades announced the presence of the body in via Caetani. This was revealed in a long Report investigation that will be broadcast this evening by Claudio Signorile, then number two of the Socialist Party. Interviewed by the journalists of … Read more