The Case of Teddy Minahasa Does Not Stop at Alex Bonpis The Drug Dealer

Jakarta – Development of drug cases that ensnare Inspector General Teddy Minahasa still continue. Most recently, the police caught Alex Bonpisa drug dealer who sells drugs from the network of former members of Teddy Minahasa. As is known, the former West Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Teddy Minahasa was arrested on suspicion of embezzling 5 … Read more

The latest news gathered on Inspector General Teddy Minahasa’s drug case

Jakarta – Investigators from Polda Metro Jaya Narcotics Directorate are still conducting investigations Inspector General Teddy Minahasa. Most recently, the former West Sumatra Regional Police Chief has now withdrawn his statement in the original investigation report (BAP). Teddy Minahasa’s statement regarding the 5 kilograms of meth evidence has now changed. Teddy Minahasa now claims that … Read more

Teddy Minahasa denies replacing drug trials with Tawas

Jakarta – Inspector General Teddy Minahasa as suspected in the case drug trafficking called ordered to replace the 5 kg drug test with alum. Teddy denied the allegations. This was revealed by Teddy Minahasa’s lawyer, Hotman Paris. Hotman confirmed the allegations were not true. “As for the allegation as being mixed with alum, that’s not … Read more

Inspector General Teddy announces supply of Shabu, no sales order

Jakarta – Inspector General Teddy Minahasa named a suspect related to the drug trafficking case trials of 5 kg of methamphetamine. Teddy Minahasa’s attorney, Hotman Paris, has confirmed that there has never been an order from Teddy to sell the evidence. “It doesn’t exist. The key is that on September 24th there was an order … Read more

Police investigate the alleged flow of IDR 300 million to Inspector General Teddy Minahasa

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Polda Metro Jaya is still investigating the allegations Inspector General Teddy Minahasa received Rp. 300 million from the sale of narcotic-type evidence sabu. “It will be investigated later,” said Polda Jaya Kombes Metro Narcotics Investigation Director Mukti Juharsa to Central Jakarta Metro Police on Friday (14/10). ANNOUNCEMENT Scroll to resume content … Read more