Suspected funds in the hundreds of millions

Suspected funds in the hundreds of millions

Wirecard headquarters in Aschheim near Munich Transactions in India, unsecured loans. No one knows where Wirecard’s money really went. – (Foto: Bloomberg) – – – – Düsseldorf In the balance sheet scandal of the Dax group Wirecard, there are indications that, in addition to probably non-existent funds of EUR 1.9 billion, real funds in the high … Read more

Insolvent gastronomy chain: Ex-board gets hold of Vapiano restaurants

Insolvent gastronomy chain: Ex-board gets hold of Vapiano restaurants

Vapiano is broke, but at least for dozens of restaurants in Germany there is now an investor. It is, of all things, a consortium of the former Vapiano board member Bauer. The restaurant chain Vapiano found a buyer for dozens of restaurants in Germany two months after filing for bankruptcy. “The creditors’ committee today approved … Read more

Bankruptcies and bankruptcies Restaurants in the Freiburg region die due to Corona | South Baden

Bankruptcies and bankruptcies Restaurants in the Freiburg region die due to Corona | South Baden

The week-long closure due to the corona pandemic means the end of some restaurants in and around Freiburg. In the meantime, even traditional companies have to file for bankruptcy. The predictions of the DEHOGA association of restaurants have been pretty bleak for some time. “If it stays that way, we expect 10,000 operational tasks and … Read more

Avianca files for bankruptcy: 100-year-old airline faces corona bankruptcy

Avianca files for bankruptcy: 100-year-old airline faces corona bankruptcy

Avianca has been flying since 1919, and now one of the world’s oldest airlines is threatened by the corona pandemic. Income has fallen by more than 80 percent, says the CEO and speaks of the “biggest challenge in 100-year history”. The Colombian airline Avianca has filed for bankruptcy due to the massive drop in sales … Read more

Air France – EU Commission approves billion dollar loan

Air France – EU Commission approves billion dollar loan

Airlines are suffering not only in Germany. Air France also needs government aid to survive in the Corona crisis. The EU Commission now allows loan aid of over seven billion euros. France can help Air France in the corona crisis with seven billion euros in the form of loan guarantees and a loan as a … Read more

Comeback of the TV brand: Loewe Manufaktur starts with 90 employees

Comeback of the TV brand: Loewe Manufaktur starts with 90 employees

The traditional brand Loewe is back with good news: As announced at the beginning of the year, Loewe resumes production at the Kronach site after its insolvency – high-end TV sets for the premium sector are now being produced again. Loewe has found its niche and, with a new owner, the Skytec Group from Slovakia, … Read more

Because of the corona crisis: How Lufthansa wants to prevent the crash – economy

Because of the corona crisis: How Lufthansa wants to prevent the crash – economy

The largest German airline can no longer. According to insiders, Lufthansa plans to put together a government aid package of up to ten billion euros early next week. The reason: The corona crisis has swept the airline’s till. Then it should also be clear what the distribution of equity and loans looks like, said several … Read more

Thomas Cook Aviation: Airline bankruptcy due to corona pandemic

Thomas Cook Aviation: Airline bankruptcy due to corona pandemic

With the airline Thomas Cook Aviation it has now hit the first German airline – it is filing for bankruptcy. “Focus” reports, citing a video message from the management. According to the magazine, airline boss Ralf S. Nagel said that the company is seeking bankruptcy in the protective shield process. The reason for the bankruptcy … Read more

Also because of the coronavirus pandemic: Vapiano files for bankruptcy

Also because of the coronavirus pandemic: Vapiano files for bankruptcy

Thursday April 2nd 2020 – Problems have been around for a long time. But it is only the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic that will finally put an end to it: the Vapiano restaurant chain, with 55 branches in Germany, wants to open insolvency proceedings. Because of the coronavirus crisis, the already battered restaurant chain … Read more

After Vapiano, steak house chain Maredo in crisis: bankruptcy filing

After Vapiano, steak house chain Maredo in crisis: bankruptcy filing

In the corona crisis there is the next major bankruptcy in the restaurant landscape: This time it hits the steak house chain Maredo. Major companies of the Maredo Group, operator of the Maredo steak restaurant chain, have filed a “precautionary” application for bankruptcy at the Düsseldorf District Court. The company announced late Monday afternoon. With … Read more