2022: second hottest year in Europe – LINFO.re

2022: second hottest year in Europe – LINFO.re

The year 2022 is the second hottest year in Europe, according to the latest annual report from the European climate change program Copernicus. Temperature records in summer in Europe The year just ended was ranked as the ‘2nd hottest’ in Europe, according to the latest annual report of the European climate change program Copernicus (C3S). … Read more

Crosswords, the ideal exercise to maintain your memory

Crosswords, the ideal exercise to maintain your memory

A lot has been said about games like crosswords, but the science has it down: they improve memory, attention and reasoning skills. In short, they help keep your brain sharp and young for longer. In 2019, researchers have shown that people over 50 who regularly do crossword puzzles have equivalent brain function to people 10 … Read more

Education: 6th graders will have an extra hour of French or math per week from the start of the next school year

Education: 6th graders will have an extra hour of French or math per week from the start of the next school year

From September 2023, 6th graders will have an extra hour of French or math per week. This is revealed this Thursday, January 12, by a circular published by the Ministry of National Education. Level too low The goal of the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye is the improvement of the general level of the pupils, … Read more

RTE, the subsidiary of EDF implicated for the destruction of protected species

RTE, the subsidiary of EDF implicated for the destruction of protected species

For years, EDF’s electricity transmission subsidiary RTE communicates with great fanfare about its environmental initiatives. Whether it is to brag about their system of preservation of Bonelli’s eagle in the Bouches-du-Rhône, or their agreements with France Nature Environment and the Bird Protection League (LPO) – with whom RTE protects for example Ospreys in the Allier. … Read more