Maintain a Healthy Diet by Avoiding Inflammation-Causing Foods (Photos) Such as Sweets, Processed Meat, Trans Fat, and Alcoholic Beverages.

Maintain a Healthy Diet by Avoiding Inflammation-Causing Foods (Photos) Such as Sweets, Processed Meat, Trans Fat, and Alcoholic Beverages.

Fructose, corn syrup, etc. may lead to increased inflammation index, which will bring many harms to health. (Image source: Adobe Stock) See Chinese websites prohibit the establishment of mirror sites. inflamedResponse is a way for the body to protect itself. When faced with bacteria, viruses, and diseases, the body will have an inflammatory response to … Read more

[장서 산책] Kai-Michael Vehe, ‘To live young and long, protect your lungs’

[장서 산책] Kai-Michael Vehe, ‘To live young and long, protect your lungs’

Respirator instruction manual in one volume Author Kai-Michael Beeh is Germany’s leading respiratory disease specialist. He studied at the University of Mainz in Germany, and fell in love with ‘lung’ in the early days of medical school. Since 2004, he and his wife have established ‘insaf’, a respiratory research institute, and have been studying lungs … Read more

5 Benefits of Papaya Seeds, Prevent This Chronic Disease

Papaya fruit illustration. Photo: hellohealthy, JAKARTA – PAWPAW is one of many people’s favorite fruit. The sweet taste makes many people addicted to eating this one fruit. READ ALSO: 10 Unexpected Benefits of Papaya Seeds, Number 4 Makes You Gaze However, have you ever consumed papaya seeds? Papaya seeds are a good source of … Read more

Urgent! 5 Natural Ingredients to Treat Tonsillitis That Can Be Done at Home

Urgent!  5 Natural Ingredients to Treat Tonsillitis That Can Be Done at Home

BREBES PORTAL – Tonsillitis or tonsillitis is an inflammation of the two oval-shaped tissue pads at the back throat. Inflammation tonsils usually caused by infection virus, but it can also be from infection bacteria. Reporting from, often inflammation tonsils It occurs in children, but not infrequently adults also experience it. Read Also: Must Know! … Read more

7 amazing benefits to stop eating sugar for a month, most notably dental health

7 amazing benefits to stop eating sugar for a month, most notably dental health

The American Heart Association confirmed that the main source for sugar The added sugar comes from drinks, followed by snacks and desserts. Excess consumption of added sugar can raise triglyceride levels, which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Here are the health benefits of giving up sugar for 30 days, according to … Read more

5 anti-inflammatory fats to add to your diet

5 anti-inflammatory fats to add to your diet

Aging and eating a diet high in saturated fats can lead to: Exacerbation of inflammation in the body And confirmed a study published in the journal Food Research InternationalA diet similar to the Mediterranean diet can be a first-line approach to reducing inflammation. This diet focuses on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, andHealthy fats … Read more

A nutritionist reveals a type of vegetable that reduces cancer risk, fights inflammation and promotes heart health

A nutritionist reveals a type of vegetable that reduces cancer risk, fights inflammation and promotes heart health

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Nutritionist Luvneet Batra revealed the health benefits of cauliflower, which contains essential vitamins and minerals. Batra indicated that cauliflower benefits include: 1. Cauliflower is rich in choline, an essential nutrient needed to build mood, memory and brain power. It also supports brain cell health. 2. Helps Reduce Cancer Risk Cauliflower is a type … Read more

Tonsillitis can cause dangerous complications

Tonsillitis can cause dangerous complications

JAKARTA – Inflammation of the tonsils or tonsillitis is a condition in which there is inflammation or inflammation and swelling of the tonsils. Most causes of tonsillitis are caused by bacteria and viruses such as rubella, adenovirus and influenza. Otolaryngologist, Dr. Muslim Kasim warned not to take tonsillitis lightly. The reason is that the condition … Read more