Scientists identified seven groups of symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19

Scientists identified seven groups of symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19

Yesterday, 09:30 | author: Daria Kuznetsova | Photo Scientists at the Medical University of Vienna shared the signs of infection coronavirus infection into 7 main groups. They posted the results of their work in the magazine “Allergy”. Experts drew attention to the fact that in different people the virus affects different body systems. For … Read more

These 5 Natural Herbal Medicines Can Reduce Joint Pain Due to High Uric Acid

These 5 Natural Herbal Medicines Can Reduce Joint Pain Due to High Uric Acid

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Gout is one of them disease inflammation which often strikes sendi. Gout can be prevented with multiple uses herbal medicine naturally which is able to relieve pain sendi as a result of the rate uric acid in a fairly tall body. Gout is one of them disease which many people suffer from, … Read more

Turmeric and Other Natural Ingredients Make Uric Acid Not Recurrence, Here’s The Processing

Turmeric and Other Natural Ingredients Make Uric Acid Not Recurrence, Here’s The Processing

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Gout included disease non-contagious disease suffered by many people. Basically, natural ingredient can be used to overcome disease uric acid so as not to relapse again like exploiting turmeric, ginger, and natural ingredient other. Disease uric acid can attack anyone, both male and female, but generally disease this often strikes a person … Read more

8 Ways to Prevent Gout so as not to Attack at a Young Age

8 Ways to Prevent Gout so as not to Attack at a Young Age

RINGTIMES BANYUWANGI – Gout is one of them disease which is suffered by many people, especially young age. Basically, there are various way that can be done to prevent disease uric acid so that young age not attacked disease this. Gout is one of them disease which is often suffered by many people. This disease … Read more

Sweet Foods Are indeed Badmoods Repellent But If Excessive Beauty Is at Risk, Find Out What Happens To The Skin!

Sweet Foods Are indeed Badmoods Repellent But If Excessive Beauty Is at Risk, Find Out What Happens To The Skin! – Usually we consume foods and drinks that contain gula to raise mood. However, because of our habit of consuming foods and drinks that contain them gula excessively. Though consuming foods and drinks that contain gula excess is not good for health, especially skin. Also Read: Anti Blood Sugar Soaring, Diabetics Can Try Routine … Read more

Benefits and Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health

Benefits and Benefits of Turmeric for Body Health

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Turmeric is well known to the Indonesian people as one of the orange cooking spices or spices. Not only delicious food, turmeric or turmeric is a spice that also has various health benefits. You are probably already quite familiar with the benefits turmeric to alleviate distractions digestion. But not only that, rhizomes … Read more