Easily contagious, here are 6 ways to prevent flu or flu transmission

Easily contagious, here are 6 ways to prevent flu or flu transmission

SUKABUMIUPDATE.com – Beberapa pemain Timnas Prancis di Piala Dunia 2022 dikabarkan terserang Flu Unta jelang laga final melawan Argentina. Terlepas dari kabar Flu Unta tersebut, Flu sendiri merupakan penyakit pernapasan yang sangat menular. Penyakit ini umumnya disebabkan infeksi virus influenza. Saat kondisi parah flu dapat menyebabkan komplikasi seperti pneumonia, dan bahkan kematian. Mengingat penyakit ini … Read more

Angle: China with zero corona relaxation, investors fumbling due to unknown infection status | Reuters

Angle: China with zero corona relaxation, investors fumbling due to unknown infection status |  Reuters

HONG KONG/SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Investors caught off guard by Beijing’s sudden relaxation of its zero-corona policy are now forced to grapple with China’s post-pandemic turmoil. This is because we do not have good data to monitor the spread of infections and potential threats to the economy in the coming months. BEIJING, Dec 14 (Reuters) – … Read more