Al-Mutlaq answers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Mutlaq answers • Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Dr. Abdullah Al-Mutlaq, explained the ruling on destroying embryos that contain a genetic disease that causes risks that may lead to the death of children, such as spinal muscular atrophy. He said during an interview with the “Fatwas” program broadcast on Al-Resala channel: “There are … Read more

Mother was carried away by the epidemic… “Langya Bang” male star in mourning: the phone could no longer be dialed 93-year-old father had a high fever for 4 days: I believe I can survive | Entertainment | CTWANT extension

Mother was carried away by the epidemic… “Langya Bang” male star in mourning: the phone could no longer be dialed 93-year-old father had a high fever for 4 days: I believe I can survive |  Entertainment |  CTWANT extension

55-year-old veteran actor Wang Jinsong has performed in many TV series, including the drama “Langya Bang” and “Crane Huating”, etc. He often plays the prince’s teacher and courtiers and his superb performances of him have attracted many fans. However, on the evening of the 22nd, he posted on Weibo that “my mother was taken away … Read more

Air intake is a possible route of introduction for avian flu |

Air intake is a possible route of introduction for avian flu |

Coarse particles and insects – which can be infected with bird flu or other pathogens – can enter the vents of poultry farms with the air. This has emerged from research by Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR), part of Wageningen University & Research, and Utrecht University on the transport of possible carriers of the bird flu … Read more