Iconic Characters: Harrison Ford’s Unforgettable Roles in Hollywood Cinema

Iconic Characters: Harrison Ford’s Unforgettable Roles in Hollywood Cinema

Harrison Ford is celebrating because nothing more and nothing less than 81 years old. He is not yet an octogenarian nor does he enter the list of the longest-lived actors in Hollywood, but he is on his way to it. He has shot more than 50 films and as many series and has achieved a … Read more

The Impact of Steven Spielberg on Cinema: A Look at his Best Films and the Controversy Surrounding Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

The Impact of Steven Spielberg on Cinema: A Look at his Best Films and the Controversy Surrounding Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

we can’t deny that Steven Spielberg It has marked a before and after in the history of cinema. The acclaimed filmmaker has become the author of some of the greatest classics, becoming almost a pioneer in genres such as science fiction, adventure and fantasy, among others. If we have to mention the best films of … Read more

The Continuing Legacy of Indiana Jones: What Has Become of the Female Protagonists?

The Continuing Legacy of Indiana Jones: What Has Become of the Female Protagonists?

The iconic Indiana Jones returns to the big screen in his latest thrilling installment, “Dial of Destiny”! Harrison Ford, who has given life to the admired archaeologist throughout the film series, he reprises his role once more in this new adventurewill be released on July 28. What has become of the female protagonists of Indiana … Read more

Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny Marks Harrison Ford’s Final Act as the Iconic Hero

Indiana Jones: Dial of Destiny Marks Harrison Ford’s Final Act as the Iconic Hero

One of the biggest blockbusters in the world, the Indiana Jones series has reached its fifth film: Dial of Destiny. Fifteen years later, the film marks the grand return of one of the most popular characters in Hollywood history. Harrison Ford was and still is the hero of this Steven Spielberg film. Ford was in … Read more

Premiéra posledního filmu o Indiana Jonesovi s dabérem Jiřím Štěpničkou a dalšími celebritami

Premiéra posledního filmu o Indiana Jonesovi s dabérem Jiřím Štěpničkou a dalšími celebritami

Neuvěřitelných dvaačtyřicet let uplynulo od premiéry prvního dílu kultovní ságy o archeologovi Indianu Jonesovi. A právě nyní vstoupil do kin zřejmě úplně poslední film, nesoucí název Indiana Jones a nástroj osudu. Na jeho pražskou premiéru přišla řada celebrit, vévodil jim dabér Harrisona Forda Jiří Štěpnička. Vzhledem překvapil Pavel Rímský, zajímavý doprovod si přivedl Arnošt Goldflam … Read more

Harrison Ford Takes on Final Adventure in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Fate”

Harrison Ford Takes on Final Adventure in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Fate”

Harrison Ford bids farewell to his iconic character Indiana Jones in the fifth installment of the franchise, titled “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Fate.” After four decades of thrilling adventures on the big screen, Ford, now 80 years old, dons the fedora and whip one last time as he says goodbye to the beloved … Read more