First Festival of Art and Inclusion: Celebrating the Talents of People with Disabilities

First Festival of Art and Inclusion: Celebrating the Talents of People with Disabilities

On September 6, 7 and 8, the first Festival of Art and Inclusion of People with Disabilities will take place, whose purpose is to integrate the skills of people with functional diversity in areas such as art, sculpture, workshops and conferences. “On Wednesday, September 6, the inauguration will be held at the house of legal … Read more

The State of Inclusion in Berlin Schools: A Long Way to Go

The State of Inclusion in Berlin Schools: A Long Way to Go

A school assistant looks after a child with trisomy 21. Photo: imago/Michael Schick The world as a guest in Berlin: For a week, athletes with mental disabilities and multiple disabilities competed in a sporting competition at the Special Olympics. “An event that I will never forget,” said Interior and Sports Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) of … Read more

Deutsche Bahn is the most women-friendly company of the year

Deutsche Bahn is the most women-friendly company of the year

By the end of 2024, Deutsche Bahn wants to fill 30 percent of its management positions with women. They have now been awarded for this. The most women-friendly company of the year is Deutsche Bahn. The Frauen-Karriere-Index (FKI) also honored the consulting firm Accenture, the computer manufacturer Hewlett-Packard and the Berliner Wasserbetriebe on Thursday. The … Read more