A new development in the case of the theft of jewelry from the residence of the artist “Dina El-Sherbiny” by the help of “Mena Fadali”

A new development in the case of the theft of jewelry from the residence of the artist “Dina El-Sherbiny” by the help of “Mena Fadali”

Al-Marsad Newspaper: The Egyptian Public Prosecution ordered the release of the accused of stealing jewelry from the residence of the famous artist, Dina El-Sherbiny, after completing the assignment procedures. The Egyptian actress came to the Al-Gamaleya Prosecution Office, to hear her statements, “in the incident of seizing her former assistant while selling valuable jewelry to … Read more

Rare Find! International Research Team Finds Meteorite Weighing 8 Kg in Antarctica

Rare Find!  International Research Team Finds Meteorite Weighing 8 Kg in Antarctica

However, the white landscape once again proved to be a stunning place to hunt for meteorites. An international team of scientists have discovered five new space rocks from Antarctica, and one of them is nearly 8kg (17 pounds). What’s amazing about this find is that finding a meteorite of this size is rare. According to … Read more

Do you know what a foyer is and how it functions

Do you know what a foyer is and how it functions

RIAU24.COM – At first, the foyer describes a room that is usually a link between the entrances to various other rooms. Over time, people have come to think of the foyer as an entry hall, aisle, and anteroom. In other words, the foyer is now not only an area to be passed through but can … Read more

These are 5 early symptoms of cervical cancer, including painful intercourse

These are 5 early symptoms of cervical cancer, including painful intercourse

JAKARTA – The cervix or cervix is ​​the part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina. Its function is to produce mucus which helps transport sperm from the vagina to the uterus during sexual intercourse. The cervix also functions to protect the uterus from bacteria and foreign objects from outside. Quoted from alodokter.com, … Read more

The first action by the “environment” after the incident of slaughtering and cooking a “dowry” in Hafar Al-Batin! • Observatory Newspaper

The first action by the “environment” after the incident of slaughtering and cooking a “dowry” in Hafar Al-Batin!  • Observatory Newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A source at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture said that the owners of the incident of slaughtering and cooking a foal in one of the stalls of Hafr Al-Batin Governorate have been referred for investigation. The source indicated that it is forbidden to slaughter, sell, and cook horses, because there are … Read more

Not many know, this is the brightest row of stars in the solar system

Not many know, this is the brightest row of stars in the solar system

The names of the brightest stars in the universe are: Sirius Canopus, Rigel Kentaurus, Arcturus Vega Sirius Sirius is the brightest star in the universe. The star Sirius is also known as Alfa Canis Major, this is because Sirius is in the constellation Canis Major or the big dog. Reporting from Astronomy Picture, Sirius is … Read more