This Is The Difference Between Herd Immunity Through Vaccines and Infection

This Is The Difference Between Herd Immunity Through Vaccines and Infection – The government is targeting Covid-19 vaccination to reach a minimum of 70 percent of the population to achieve Herd Immunity or population immunity. Unfortunately, there is still disinformation that has resulted in misunderstanding in the community. Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Cissy Rachiana Sudjana Prawira-Kartasasmita, explained that herd immunity can … Read more

Immunity of those with covid-19 “decreases very quickly”, says new study

Immunity of those with covid-19 “decreases very quickly”, says new study

JN / Agencies Today at 13:19– A British study found that the immunity acquired by people who were infected with the new coronavirus “decreases very quickly”, especially in asymptomatic patients, and can only last for a few months. From June 20 to September 28, Imperial College London and the Ipsos Mori Institute followed 350,000 randomly … Read more

During the Pandemic, Ensure Child Immunity Is Maintained

During the Pandemic, Ensure Child Immunity Is Maintained

loading… JAKARTA – During the pandemic, parents require extra monitoring of their little one’s health so they don’t get infected with Covid-19. How to make sure immunity the child stays awake? In this new normal period, your little one’s nutritional intake must be paid more attention. Proper and balanced nutrition can help maintain a child’s … Read more

6 inexpensive foods to boost your immune system

6 inexpensive foods to boost your immune system

The topic of a strong immune system is becoming more relevant day by day: this year we have to fear not only standard flu and colds, but also coronavirus. It is the strengthening of the protective functions of the body that will help us maintain health and not get sick. What kind inexpensive products can … Read more

Regular consumption of Curcuma can increase body immunity and protect the liver

Regular consumption of Curcuma can increase body immunity and protect the liver

Literacy News – There are many authentic Indonesian herbal recipes that can strengthen immunity and protect against all diseases, such as curcuma or also called turmeric. “The activity of curcumin is antioxidants, anti-inflammation, immunomodulators or enhancing the immune system by regulating the immune response, “said DR (Cand) Dr. October 2020. Also Read: The Minister of … Read more

How Can Antibodies Help Covid-19 Attack Cells?

How Can Antibodies Help Covid-19 Attack Cells?

A new study in China suggests antibodies can actually worsen Covid-19 patients. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, HONGKONG – Researchers are urging drug makers to examine whether a vaccine is Covid-19 can experimentally cause the immune system to produce antibody high risk known as 7F3. The antibodies are thought to actually help corona virus attack cells in some cases. … Read more

Adults Also Need Vaccinations

Adults Also Need Vaccinations

Most vaccinations require repetition, including in adulthood. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Internal medicine specialist and vaccinologist, Dirga Sakti Rambe, said that vaccination for adults needs to be done, especially if the person has never received immunization at all. Not only that, most of the immunizations require repetition as a continuation of vaccinations as children. “This means … Read more

A young man was infected twice, and “the second infection is more serious.”

A young man was infected twice, and “the second infection is more serious.”

Our readers are Twitter users You can now follow the latest news for free through our Twitter accountClick here to subscribe — Getty ImagesThe second round of Covid-19 was supposed to be milder because the body learned to fight the virus the first time Doctors reported that a man in the United States had contracted … Read more

2 Tips for Maintaining the Body’s Immunity with Vitamins during the Covid-19 Pandemic

2 Tips for Maintaining the Body’s Immunity with Vitamins during the Covid-19 Pandemic

PR TASIKMALAYA – Maintain endurance in the future pandemic Covid-19 very need to be considered. Among the various ways to maintain endurance, one of which is paying attention to intake needs vitamin which enters the body through food primarily vitamin C and B. First Tips is by providing intake vitamin. Also Read: A Series Of … Read more