Benefits of Probiotics: Maintaining Digestive, Mental, and Stomach Health

Benefits of Probiotics: Maintaining Digestive, Mental, and Stomach Health

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Probiotics are live microorganisms in foods or supplements that aim to maintain or increase “good” bacteria in the body. Probiotics can be found in foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. Reporting from Cleveland Clinicthe main task of probiotics or good bacteria is to maintain a healthy balance in the body. When sick, … Read more

How to Delay Aging and Prolong Life: Insights from Dr. Ramy Youssef’s Study

How to Delay Aging and Prolong Life: Insights from Dr. Ramy Youssef’s Study

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Family physician Dr. Ramy Youssef revealed how to delay aging and prolong life, citing a study conducted by Columbia University in New York. Youssef indicated, through a video of his Tik Tok application, that the study says that there is a substance that decreases in the human body after reaching the age of … Read more

The Role and Importance of the Spleen in Oriental Medicine and Everyday Life

The Role and Importance of the Spleen in Oriental Medicine and Everyday Life

[우리문화신문=유용우 한의사] Since the terms of oriental medicine have been around for thousands of years, many of them are used in everyday life. Among them, the spleen has become the most common everyday language. We often say “stomach is weak” when digestive function is weak, and “set the stomach” when responding to the surrounding demands, … Read more

Communicating virus infections among cells: How does it work? | Engineeringnet

Communicating virus infections among cells: How does it work? | Engineeringnet

ENGINEERINGNET.BE – When a virus invades, so-called first responders let other cells in their environment know that they are infected. These first responders are the first to produce signaling proteins known as type I interferons, or IFN-Is. This kickstarts the production of IFN-Is in other cells, including immune cells. “That creates a kind of domino … Read more

Interaction between telomeres and mitochondria prevents cancer : Donga Science

Interaction between telomeres and mitochondria prevents cancer : Donga Science

American Salk Institute Telomeres (green) protect the ends of chromosomes from damage. Courtesy of the Salk Institute As we age, the protective structures at the ends of chromosomes, called telomeres, gradually shorten. It triggers a response similar to how the immune system fights a virus, destroying potentially cancerous cells. Understanding the interaction between telomeres and … Read more

Specialized immune cells for new cancer therapies

Specialized immune cells for new cancer therapies

ENGINEERINGNET.BE – Detecting abnormal cells in the human body is normally a task of T cells, white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system. These cells can recognize many types of abnormalities, such as infections with viruses and bacteria. But the immune system sometimes has trouble detecting cancer cells. These malignant … Read more