US increases punitive taxes on Airbus aircraft

US increases punitive taxes on Airbus aircraft

The United States announced Friday that it will raise the customs taxes imposed on Airbus planes imported from Europe to 15% from March 18, according to a statement by the US Trade Representative (USTR). These taxes have been 10% since last October, when the US government decided to hit $ 7.5 billion in European products … Read more

Software problems discovered in the Boeing space capsule

Software problems discovered in the Boeing space capsule

The US space agency acknowledged Friday that several problems had endangered the capsule for Boeing astronauts, Starliner, during its test flight empty in December, NASA regretting systemic problems in the aerospace giant. The flight “Suffered a lot of anomalies”, recognized NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine during a press conference call to “Never, never be afraid of … Read more

Chinese Central Bank to inject $ 173 billion

Chinese Central Bank to inject $ 173 billion

Through Le Figaro with Reuters The Chinese Central Bank announced on Sunday that it will inject 1.2 trillion yuan (173.8 billion US dollars) to support the country’s economy, which has been shaken by the coronavirus epidemic. The operation will take place Monday at the reopening of the Chinese financial markets, closed for the Lunar New … Read more

Mobimo: CFO Manuel Itten will leave the group this t

Mobimo: CFO Manuel Itten will leave the group this t

Zurich (awp) – The Mobimo real estate group will have to look for a new financial director (CFO). In office since 2008, Manuel Iten has decided to set himself new professional challenges and will leave the company at the end of next July, said the Lucerne company on Thursday evening. He worked 15 years for … Read more

eat Chinese, receive packages from China … is it risky?

eat Chinese, receive packages from China … is it risky?

Can you get nCov 2019 coronavirus while eating Chinese? The question can give a smile but some French people really wonder. As certain press articles reveal, the SAMU even receives calls “Panicked” of people who ate Chinese. Same thing for packages arriving from China. Some consumers question themselves. Appeared at the start of December in … Read more

French tour operators suspend organized trips to China

French tour operators suspend organized trips to China

The union of French tour operators suspended travel to China until February 21 due to the coronavirus epidemic. Through Le Figaro with AFP –As regards tourists already on the spot, the tour operators’ union does not offer repatriation measures. COLE BURSTON / AFP The union of French tour operators (Seto) recommended Sunday the suspension of … Read more

the inaugural long-haul flight of the 777X still postponed

the inaugural long-haul flight of the 777X still postponed

The wind once again forced Boeing to postpone the inaugural long-haul 777X flight on Friday. The aircraft manufacturer has already announced that it will make a new attempt on Saturday. “Update # 777X First flight: We will try again tomorrow at 10 am (local, 7 p.m. in France). The force of the wind prevented us … Read more

Boeing still believes in MAX and hopes to resume production before mid-2020

Boeing still believes in MAX and hopes to resume production before mid-2020

Through Le Figaro with AFP David Calhoun, the managing director of Boeing, on Wednesday ruled out a possible abandonment of the 737 MAX and indicated that the production of this plane, nailed to the ground worldwide since mid-March after two accidents that killed 346 people, would resume “some months»Before mid-2020. “I believe in this plane. … Read more

the CGT shut down the largest hydroelectric plant in France

the CGT shut down the largest hydroelectric plant in France

The Grand’Maison power plant in Isère, the most powerful hydroelectric plant in France, was shut down since Tuesday morning to protest against the pension reform, the CGT announced in the evening. This action was decided in general assembly by the strikers of the site “who have settled in a renewable picket for an indefinite period“Adds … Read more

towards a 2.4% increase in regulated prices

Software problems discovered in the Boeing space capsule

This next increase should concern individuals and small professionals. Through Le Figaro with AFP Regulated electricity prices are expected to increase by 2.4% for individuals and small professionals in the near future. The Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) proposed this 2.4% tax-inclusive increase “for residential blue rates” as well as “for the blue tariffs applicable to … Read more