Trump threatens to cut funds from sanctuary cities amid coronavirus

Trump threatens to cut funds from sanctuary cities amid coronavirus

Washington, United States. In the middle of the pandemic of coronavirus, the president of USA, Donald trump, has threatened to remove funds from “sanctuary cities“those who refuse to collaborate with the federal authorities to deport immigrants and among which cities such as NY and Los Angeles. White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany confirmed on Friday that … Read more

They warn that millions of immigrants with “green cards” will not receive financial or health aid for coronavirus

They warn that millions of immigrants with “green cards” will not receive financial or health aid for coronavirus

Immigration activists warned of the damage to millions of families who do not receive financial aid for coronavirus. In addition, these people are outside the tests and treatments of COVID-19, which further violates their situation. The $ 2.2 trillion of stimuli Approved by Congress thus far in response to the coronavirus crisis provide testing and … Read more

Millions of immigrants are left out of the support plan approved by Congress

Millions of immigrants are left out of the support plan approved by Congress

Phoenix, Arizona – The $ 2.2 billion package that the United States Congress approved to offer financial aid during the new pandemic coronavirus did not include a significant group of the population: millions of immigrants who reside in that country without legal authorization, but who work in the country and pay taxes. Among them is … Read more

What kind of help can immigrants in the US access during a coronavirus quarantine? | United States | US | USA nnda nnlt Answers

What kind of help can immigrants in the US access during a coronavirus quarantine? | United States | US | USA nnda nnlt Answers

Among all the countries affected by COVID-19The United States recorded a significant increase in the number of infected and dead as of Saturday, March 28. The last official report on the coronavirus reported that 104,839 died, 1,711 are infected and 894 are cured. All this information comes amid the measures that President Donald Trump has … Read more

Iker, the Honduran ‘Captain America’, declares in immigration court

Iker, the Honduran ‘Captain America’, declares in immigration court

Chicago, United States The little Honduran Iker Velázquez, who has captured the heart of a vast audience with his disguise of Captain America, testified Tuesday in English before an immigration court in Chicago about his request for asylum in the United States. Iker, only 8 years old, appeared before Judge Kaarina Salovaara during a hearing … Read more

Again a slight decrease in the number of asylum seekers and followers to the Netherlands NOW

The number of asylum seekers and followers of family who came to the Netherlands in 2019 was slightly less than in 2018. The Central Bureau of Statistics writes Tuesday on the basis of figures from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). The number of asylum seekers was about 2,000 higher than in 2018, but the … Read more

They intercept a trailer loaded with 63 undocumented immigrants from 8 countries

They intercept a trailer loaded with 63 undocumented immigrants from 8 countries

Laredo, United States. A total of 63 undocumented immigrants from eight countries, were arrested this week by the Border Patrol who intercepted the trailer where they were transported. Immigrants from El Salvador, Brazil, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua and China, were within the trailer box Read: Two children of the caravan are missing in Guatemala … Read more

They say they are undocumented and have a gold bar that they sell at a very low price

They say they are undocumented and have a gold bar that they sell at a very low price

Elders are targets of this type of scam that a couple is committing in several California cities Photo: JOE KLAMAR / AFP via Getty Images – A man and a woman are wanted by the authorities for scam older people by offering them for sale and at a low price a gold ingot that they … Read more

All undocumented immigrants in California would have medical coverage

All undocumented immigrants in California would have medical coverage

Senior citizens without immigration documents would be included in the state health plan Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images – In California, all undocumented immigrants can receive medical coverage under the government program Medi-Cal if this Friday Governor Gavin Newsom includes in the state budget the resources to incorporate into the health plan to the … Read more