Ahok Reveals Jokowi Offered Him Position as Head of Archipelago Capital Authority

Ahok Reveals Jokowi Offered Him Position as Head of Archipelago Capital Authority

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Former President Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero) Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok admitted that he had been called by President Joko Widodo or Jokowi to then be appointed as one of the candidates for Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN). “To be honest, when IKN was about to be formed, Pak … Read more

Gibran Rakabuming Raka’s Response to Bulog Rice with Prabowo-Gibran Stickers Causes Uproar

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The latest news that has received a lot of attention from readers is the response of Vice Presidential Candidate number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka regarding the case of the circulation of Bulog rice with Prabowo-Gibran stickers. According to Gibran, he will look for and investigate the case. Another news item that is … Read more

President Jokowi Calls for National Unity and Inclusive Development on Pancasila Day 2023

President Jokowi Calls for National Unity and Inclusive Development on Pancasila Day 2023

President Joko Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, highlighted national unity, inclusive growth, and a tough stance against identity politics during his speech on Pancasila Day. The event commemorates the birth of Pancasila, the state ideology, and was held at the National Monument in Jakarta on June 2nd. The occasion saw the country’s political machinery gearing … Read more

“Latest Economic and Business News: Train Routes and Infrastructure Updates – Tempo.co”

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The latest economic and business news on Saturday afternoon, May 27 2023, starting from the train journey that crosses the Madiun 7 Operational Area (Daop) area, which is claimed to be shorter.

Next, there is news that leaked data on the internet is not sensitive data and is not core data from BSI. Furthermore, it is the hope of the Ministry of PUPR for the continued construction of basic infrastructure in the Archipelago State Capital or IKN.

Then there was news about the industry players’ response to the electric vehicle budget set by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani and the LPS’ explanation about how many BPRs go bankrupt every year.

The five news stories accessed the most by readers of the Tempo.co Economy and Business channel. The following is a summary of the five trending news:

1. Gapeka Applies June 1, Bima Train Route Gambir – Gubeng Surabaya Faster 61 Minutes

Public Relations Manager PT Car Api Indonesia or KAI (Persero) Operational Area (Daop) 7 Madiun, East Java Supriyanto said that train trips crossing his area would be shorter.

This is in line with the enactment of the train travel chart (Gapeka) starting June 1, 2023. “Making train travel times in PT. KAI Daop 7 Madiun has become faster,” said Supriyanto, Friday, June 26, 2023

The speed of the train, especially from Walikukun Station, Ngawi to Mojokerto Station, is 15 kilometers per hour faster. This is from 105 kilometers per hour to 120 kilometers per hour. Then, the speed of the train from Kertosono Station to Blitar Station increased by 10 kilometers per hour. This is from 100 kilometers per hour to 110 kilometers per hour.

Read more about Car here.

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Indonesia’s Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister seeks partnership with China’s Shenzhen expert team for the development of the new capital city.

Indonesia’s Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister seeks partnership with China’s Shenzhen expert team for the development of the new capital city.

Indonesia’s Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, is partnering with a team of experts from Shenzhen, China, to participate in the development of Indonesia’s new capital city (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan. Pandjaitan hopes that the Shenzhen team will be able to design and manage the construction of a supporting cluster in … Read more

East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor says the province is a strategic partner in supporting the development of Indonesia’s new capital city.

East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor says the province is a strategic partner in supporting the development of Indonesia’s new capital city.

The governor of East Kalimantan, Isran Noor, has stated that his province is a strategic partner for the development of Indonesia’s new capital, Nusantara. The province is committed to preparing human resources and achieving sustainable economic growth, as well as improving the environment and reducing poverty. The development plan also includes strategies for increasing access … Read more

The DPR questions delays in paying salaries to employees in IKN Nusantara and urges President Jokowi to issue a presidential regulation.

The DPR questions delays in paying salaries to employees in IKN Nusantara and urges President Jokowi to issue a presidential regulation.

Employees in the new capital city of Indonesia, IKN Nusantara, have reportedly not been paid for months, which has raised concern from the House of Representatives. According to Guspardi Gaus, a member of the House’s Commission II, the lack of a Presidential Regulation on the matter is believed to be the cause of the issue. … Read more

IKN Nusantara Project Area Submerged by Floods

IKN Nusantara Project Area Submerged by Floods

On March 17, Sepaku district in the new capital city of Nusantara suffered from flooding due to high-intensity rains in the upstream area. The Regional Disaster Management Agency confirmed that at least three neighborhood units and 20 houses were inundated in the Sepaku Village, with a water level of 40-50 centimeters. Pandi, a resident whose … Read more