Santiago Morning and Recoleta meet on date 13 – 2024-06-09 17:29:10

Santiago Morning and Recoleta meet on date 13
 – 2024-06-09 17:29:10

Santiago Morning will play as house group in opposition to Recoleta tomorrow, from 4:30 p.m. and inside the framework of date 13 of the Chile event – ​​Achs Salud 2024 Promotion Championship. Each groups added three in yesterday by beating their final rivals, so an excellent match is predicted wherein neither of the 2 will … Read more

Santiago Morning and Recoleta meet on date 13 – 2024-06-09 02:41:19

Santiago Morning and Recoleta meet on date 13
 – 2024-06-09 02:41:19

The match between Santiago Morning and Recoleta, for date 13 of the Chile – Achs Salud 2024 Promotion Championship, shall be performed subsequent Monday, June 10, beginning at 4:30 p.m. on the stadium. Each groups added three in yesterday by beating their final rivals, so an excellent match is anticipated by which neither of the … Read more

The match between Santiago Morning and Recoleta is postponed – 2024-05-22 08:29:55

The match between Santiago Morning and Recoleta is postponed
 – 2024-05-22 08:29:55

The match between Santiago Morning and Recoleta is postponed #match #Santiago #Morning #Recoleta #postponed

With a penalty goal from Martín Garnerone, San Luis beat Recoleta 1 to 0 – 2024-05-05 08:57:37

With a penalty goal from Martín Garnerone, San Luis beat Recoleta 1 to 0 
 – 2024-05-05 08:57:37

The match played at the Bicentenario Lucio Fariña stadium, corresponding to date 11 of the Chile – Achs Salud 2024 Promotion Championship, culminated in the victory of San Luis, which beat Recoleta by the minimum difference of 1-0. Martín Garnerone scored the goal from a penalty kick that sealed the fate of the match, in … Read more

Magallanes won 1-0 against Recoleta at the Municipal Stadium of Recoleta Leonel Sánchez – 2024-04-29 13:31:52

Magallanes won 1-0 against Recoleta at the Municipal Stadium of Recoleta Leonel Sánchez 
 – 2024-04-29 13:31:52

Magallanes added three this Sunday in the match corresponding to date 10. Manuel Vicuña decided the result of the match with a goal in the 5th minute of the second half and gave Magallanes the victory. Manuel Vicuña was the figure of the party. The Magallanes striker scored 1 goal, shot into the opponent’s goal … Read more

Sports Limache beat Recoleta 3-0 – 2024-04-12 21:31:41

Sports Limache beat Recoleta 3-0 
 – 2024-04-12 21:31:41

Dep. Limache scored the third goal for the momentary 3-0 victory. Facundo Juárez (3′ 1T), Felipe Flores (21′ 2T) and Daniel Castro (38′ 2T) scored the goals. On the last day, the visit took the victory and added 3 as host. The home team lost and will seek to correct the mistakes of that match … Read more

Recoleta beat U. Concepción with two goals from Germán Estigarribia – 2024-03-31 21:49:47

Recoleta beat U. Concepción with two goals from Germán Estigarribia 
 – 2024-03-31 21:49:47

The match on date 6 of the Chile – Achs Salud 2024 Ascenso Championship tournament, played at the Ester Roa Rebolledo Municipal stadium, was dominated by Recoleta, with an outstanding performance by Germán Estigarribia and a 2-0 win against U. Concepción. The celebration began at minute 39 of the first half when the forward took … Read more

AC Barnechea wins Recoleta 2-1 as a visitor – 2024-03-09 07:43:24

AC Barnechea wins Recoleta 2-1 as a visitor 
 – 2024-03-09 07:43:24

This Friday, AC Barnechea added 3 points in the match for date 3 of Chile – Achs Salud 2024 Promotion Championship against Recoleta. At 23 minutes into the first half, Boris Sagredo ended the initial tie thanks to a play. The equalizing goal was the work of Christopher Navarro (from a penalty) in the 39th … Read more

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1 – 2024-02-26 10:24:31

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1
 – 2024-02-26 10:24:31

At home, Recoleta beats Santiago Wanderers 3 to 1 #home #Recoleta #beats #Santiago #Wanderers