Embezzlement of 15 billion was revealed in one of the “granddaughters” of Samruk-Kazyna

Embezzlement of 15 billion was revealed in one of the “granddaughters” of Samruk-Kazyna

An embezzlement of 15 billion was discovered in one of the “granddaughters” of Samruk-Kazyna, a Tengrinews.kz correspondent reports citing the press service of the Internal State Audit Department of Astana. According to official data, one of the “granddaughters” of the National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” was found to have embezzled assets worth more than 15 billion … Read more

Collapsed glacier in Italy: an eleventh victim identified, the search continues

Collapsed glacier in Italy: an eleventh victim identified, the search continues

The balance sheet of the collapse on Sunday July 3, 2022 of a huge block of the Marmolada glacierthe highest peak in the Italian Alps, fell to 11 dead on Saturday July 9, which could be the final toll, an official announced. “We can confirm that we have identified all the victims. We stopped the … Read more

New COVID-19 strain discovered in France

New COVID-19 strain discovered in France

New coronavirus strain found in southern France – – The new variant revealed 46 mutations. The threat or infectivity level of this strain is still unknown. A new variant of the coronavirus was discovered by doctors in the French city of Marseille. On Monday, January 3, the Austrian newspaper wrote about this today. It is … Read more

A man shot his two children and committed suicide near Hamburg

A man shot his two children and committed suicide near Hamburg

– – German police Photo: Pixabay – A 44-year-old man shot his two underage sons, seriously injured his wife and committed suicide, BGNES reports. He is identified as Flamor. R. and killed children aged 13 and 11 with firearms. His wife Avdije, 38, was seriously injured and then committed suicide. The incident happened at their … Read more

France records record surge in coronavirus infections

France records record surge in coronavirus infections

France records record surge in coronavirus infections – – For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 100 thousand new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the country per day. More than 104 thousand cases of coronavirus were detected in France per day – this is a record since the … Read more

In Norway, 13 people became infected with Omicron at a corporate event

In Norway, 13 people became infected with Omicron at a corporate event

Фото: Getty Images Norway’s COVID Cases Rise – – In general, the coronavirus was detected in more than a hundred people who were all evening in one restaurant. In the Norwegian capital, Oslo, 120 people have been confirmed with the coronavirus after visiting a restaurant in the city center. About this on Sunday, December 5, … Read more

See which are the important banks according to the BNB

See which are the important banks according to the BNB

– – The BNB identified eight banks as systemically significant. – The BNB Governing Council has identified eight banks as systemically important institutions, the central bank said. These are UniCredit Bulbank, DSK Bank, First Investment Bank, United Bulgarian Bank, Postbank, Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Development Bank and the Central Cooperative Bank. As important banks for … Read more

At Kjovesi’s insistence: the Ministry of Interior and the customs send signals directly to the European Prosecutor’s Office, and not through the Supreme Prosecution Office

At Kjovesi’s insistence: the Ministry of Interior and the customs send signals directly to the European Prosecutor’s Office, and not through the Supreme Prosecution Office

– – LAURA KEVESHI PHOTO: Reuters – Bulgaria has appointed the Ministry of Interior (MoI) and the Customs Agency to submit signals to the European Prosecutor’s Office on initiated criminal proceedings, the Ministry of Justice announced. The two institutions will be able to notify the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to decide whether to seize the … Read more

In Greece, COVID anti-record since the beginning of the pandemic

In Greece, COVID anti-record since the beginning of the pandemic

Greece has a record daily increase in COVID-19 cases – – In the country, almost 5.5 thousand new cases of coronavirus were detected per day, more than fifty people died. In Greece, 5449 new cases of coronavirus were recorded per day – this is a record since the beginning of the pandemic. About it informs … Read more

Delta has become the dominant strain in Europe

Delta has become the dominant strain in Europe

Delta coronavirus becomes dominant in Europe – – The proportion of the Delta strain identified in 19 European countries is 68.3%, while the Alpha variant accounts for 22.3%. The Delta coronavirus strain is now dominant in most European countries. This was announced on Friday, July 23, by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control … Read more