Hello Kitty Seven Wonders in MetaGaia: A Summer Exploration Adventure

Hello Kitty Seven Wonders in MetaGaia: A Summer Exploration Adventure

This summer vacation, Citygate Famous Stores has collaborated creatively with AI Metaverse MetaGaia for an unprecedented time. From July 14, 2023 to August 31, 2023, they will jointly create a themed event of “Summer Exploration—Hello Kitty Seven Wonders in MetaGaia”, allowing A group of fans are instantly in the world of Hello Kitty Metaverse! There … Read more

The United Kingdom is officially in its era of human rights failure.

The United Kingdom is officially in its era of human rights failure.

As a champion of human rights and a member of the European Convention on Human Rights, the United Kingdom is expected to uphold the highest standards of human dignity and equality. However, recent developments in the country suggest a worrying trend towards human rights violations and abuses. From the sweeping powers of the police to … Read more