White pulp without salt- explains Hossam Mowafi: Does it reduce blood pressure?

White pulp without salt- explains Hossam Mowafi: Does it reduce blood pressure?

It is said by many that the white pulp is one of the foods that can be eaten in place of the medicines used to treat hypertension, provided it is salt-free. Read also: A pharmacist explains the names and prices of the most popular high blood pressure medications This was debunked by Dr. Hossam Mowafi, … Read more

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Body Health Vitamin D Facts You Need to Know: Preventing High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

AA TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – Vitamin D is a lipid solution supplement that can help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Vitamin D formation in the body is assisted by exposure to sunlight and is found in different types of foods. Vitamin D deficiency can cause serious illness. Baca: Knowing the function of vitamin … Read more

Diseases affecting the kidneys | the concert

Diseases affecting the kidneys |  the concert

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: The kidneys are considered one of the sensitive vital organs, and their integrity is linked to the enjoyment of good health of the organism, and this explains why they are often affected by certain diseases. In the following report, “The Consulto” reviews diseases affecting the kidneys, according to WebMD. … Read more

Experimented by Indra Bekti, can high blood pressure trigger brain hemorrhages?

Experimented by Indra Bekti, can high blood pressure trigger brain hemorrhages?

Jakarta – Popular presenter Indra Bekti was admitted to hospital yesterday after being found unconscious in the bathroom. His fainting was reportedly triggered by a brain hemorrhage. Indra Bekti is also known to have a history of high blood pressure or high blood pressure in the past year. “Regarding the diagnosis itself, all we know … Read more

7 health risks of high blood pressure Signs that help detect it early

7 health risks of high blood pressure Signs that help detect it early

Hypertension is a condition that increases the pressure of blood flow on the artery walls. This sudden increase in blood pressure causes serious heart problems and often leads to heart attacks, strokes, and other heart problems. Before we look at the health complications caused by high blood pressure, let’s understand how you can tell if … Read more

From the first time you go to the doctor for chest pain, avoid 5 coronary heart triggers

From the first time you go to the doctor for chest pain, avoid 5 coronary heart triggers

Getty Images Know the following five coronary heart disease trigger factors that need attention, don’t let it be too late to be cured. GridHEALTH.id – Illness heart comes in many varieties, e coronary heart being a common disease, the mortality rate is high. The following are the top five triggers that increase your risk of … Read more

9 side dishes for those with high blood pressure, really delicious!

9 side dishes for those with high blood pressure, really delicious!

Sonora.ID – Hypertension or hypertension it is a condition in which a person has high blood pressure or blood pressure is higher than normal, causing certain effects or symptoms to that person. This can be overcome with a good lifestyle including proper diet. The following are 9 side dish for people with high blood pressure. … Read more

Lack of this mineral in your body makes you vulnerable to high blood pressure

Lack of this mineral in your body makes you vulnerable to high blood pressure

Height blood pressure A chronic condition that not only stresses the heart but also increases the risk of Bheart disease And blood vessels and a lack of certain minerals could be the reason that could make you susceptible to high blood pressure, according to the “Times of India” website. Experts explained that, for example, low … Read more

Causes of kidney stones and how to overcome them

Causes of kidney stones and how to overcome them

Reporter: Makruf| Publisher: Makruf| Tuesday 12-20-2022, 11:35 WIB Causes of kidney stones and how to overcome them, image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay– JAKARTA, FIN,CO.ID – The cause of kidney stones is what you are looking for, because you are afraid of experiencing them. Now the question is, what causes kidney stones? Before we go, … Read more

Fifty-year-old problems – 5 diseases that can affect you

Fifty-year-old problems – 5 diseases that can affect you

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Public health should be treated after the age of fifty, adopting a healthy lifestyle, because at this age – and beyond – the risk of contracting a group of diseases increases. In the report that follows, “Il Consulto” reviews the most common diseases at fifty, according to “WebMD”. Read … Read more