Fire now in Attica – Lightning struck Kalyvia – 2024-09-01 02:35:22

Fire now in Attica – Lightning struck Kalyvia
 – 2024-09-01 02:35:22

Two fires broke out at noon on Friday in Attica, specifically in Kalyvia. According to the Fire Department, the fires were caused by lightning that “struck” due to the bad weather affecting Attica. As reported by the Fire Department, due to the intense lightning activity in the area of ​​Kalyvia Thorikou, Attica, 36 firefighters with … Read more

The fire in Kalyvia Attica is under control – 2024-08-22 00:09:09

The fire in Kalyvia Attica is under control
 – 2024-08-22 00:09:09

The fire that broke out at noon on Tuesday (20/8) in low vegetation at the location of Profarta, in Kalyvia Thorikou, Attica, was brought under control. 30 firefighters with 1 pedestrian group of the 1st EMODE, 7 vehicles, 1 E/P and volunteers were mobilized for the extinguishing. #Fire in low vegetation at Profarta location, at … Read more