5 Unique Facts about Human Height, Apparently Not Always Genetically Influenced!

5 Unique Facts about Human Height, Apparently Not Always Genetically Influenced!

rawpixel.com/freepik – Unique facts about human height. – Bobo.id – When going to measure how good it is growth someone, height is one of the determining factors. Friends may think height acquired due to heredity or genetics, but actually not so. There are many interesting facts about human height, such as the time of fastest … Read more

Researchers Plan to Send Illustrations of the Human Body to Space, For What? page all

Researchers Plan to Send Illustrations of the Human Body to Space, For What?  page all

KOMPAS.com – Researcher outer space planning to send a message to alienincluding illustrations man naked. The plan presented in the proposal entitled ‘A Beacon in the Galaxy‘ (BITG) was presented by 11 researchers from various institutions, including the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. As quoted from CNN, Sunday (8/5/2022) the message in the form of a … Read more

when startups innovate for facial reconstruction and make life easier for diabetic patients

when startups innovate for facial reconstruction and make life easier for diabetic patients

Check out the new episode of If we impact the futur of… », the series of videos that questions the major future technological challenges, launched by 3DEXPERIENCE Lab, the Dassault Systèmes accelerator. In this episode hosted by tech journalist Marion Moreau and Frédéric Vacher, chief innovation officer at Dassault Systèmes, you’ll discover how technology can … Read more

How Long Can Humans Survive Without Drinking Water? page all

How Long Can Humans Survive Without Drinking Water?  page all

KOMPAS.com – The body needs a lot of water to carry out many important functions, such as balancing internal temperature and keeping cells alive. There are several factors that affect the amount of water a person needs, including age, activity level, overall health body factors, such as height and weight, and gender. Reported from Medical … Read more