The First Runaway Black Hole Detected by Hubble Space Telescope Causes a Star Cluster Formation

The First Runaway Black Hole Detected by Hubble Space Telescope Causes a Star Cluster Formation

NASA has issued a warning about the discovery of an invisible monster in space Black hole Harb moves very quickly through the universe, as it can travel to the moon in only 14 minutes via a journey of 237,674 miles from Earth, and it left behind a chain of stars, measuring 200 thousand light years, … Read more

“Amazing” Cosmic Jellyfish 800 Million Light-Years Away Captured by Hubble Telescope.

“Amazing” Cosmic Jellyfish 800 Million Light-Years Away Captured by Hubble Telescope.

Astronomers announced the existence of a galaxy called JW100, with streams of Star-forming gases falling out of her disc, according to an RT report. The resemblance of the streams below the galaxy to the long limbs of jellyfish has led astronomers to refer to JW100 as the “Jellyfish Galaxy”. The dangling lines are formed through … Read more

Observing Seasonal Variations on Jupiter and Uranus: Day Seven

Observing Seasonal Variations on Jupiter and Uranus: Day Seven

Posted by Heba El-Sayed Sunday, March 26, 2023 06:00 PM Pass planets Others in the solar system also have different seasons of weather like Earth, depending on its distance from the sun, which affects its climate, and in this context, one of the many functions of the Hubble Space Telescope is to monitor the changing … Read more

Hubble observes a spiral galaxy Gulf newspaper

Hubble observes a spiral galaxy  Gulf newspaper

The “Hubble” telescope spotted an irregular spiral galaxy “NGC 5486” located 110 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. This observation comes from a selection of Hubble images to explore the debris left by the supernova, which is one of the most famous examples of A spiral galaxy with prominent, well-defined spiral arms. … Read more

Hubble Telescope Detects 3 Galaxies About to Collide

Hubble Telescope Detects 3 Galaxies About to Collide

Jakarta – A new photo taken by Hubble Space Telescope owned by NASA revealed three galaxies that were on a collision course. The galaxies located in the constellation Bootes will eventually merge to form one larger galaxy. In the process, these galaxies will lose their spiral structure due to the gravitational interaction between them. Despite … Read more

An asteroid “sneaks” in a picture of the “Hubble” telescope

An asteroid “sneaks” in a picture of the “Hubble” telescope

The main purpose of the galaxy image is to fill in the gaps in Hubble’s observations of known galaxies located near our Milky Way. Dwarf galaxy UGC 7983 (file photo) A small asteroid appeared in the vicinity of dwarf galaxy UGC 7983 when it was photographed by Hubble Space Telescope. UGC 7983 is a small … Read more

Creation Story: The Intricacies of Butterfly Nebula Wing Formation – All Pages

Creation Story: The Intricacies of Butterfly Nebula Wing Formation – All Pages

Bruce Balick/UW/Joel Kastner/Paula Baez Moraga/RIT/STSI The color appearance of NGC 6302, the Butterfly Nebula, is created from black-and-white exposures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2019 and 2020. In the purple region, strong stellar winds have actively reshaped the nebula’s wings over the last 900 years. Other features range in age from 1200 to … Read more

Horrifying, Hubble Captures the Moment a Black Hole Turns a Star into a Donut Shape

Horrifying, Hubble Captures the Moment a Black Hole Turns a Star into a Donut Shape – There are so many mysteries in outer space that can make people wonder and shudder, one of which is the phenomenon of hungry black holes that the Hubble Space Telescope managed to capture. Black holes themselves are space objects that are known to be capable of destroying planets and even large stars. Quoting … Read more

A star cluster containing the oldest stars in the universe

A star cluster containing the oldest stars in the universe

The stars of Pismis 26 have a nearly spherical structure. The cluster appears to contain mostly red stars, with some bright blue stars around the edges Hubble’s image reveals a “star cluster” in the Milky Way Shown a new image Hubble Space Telescope A “sea” of stars near the center of the Milky Way is … Read more