Discovering the New Andromeda Galaxy Map: A Journey Through Its Vast Ecosystem

Discovering the New Andromeda Galaxy Map: A Journey Through Its Vast Ecosystem

Hubble unveils New 3D Map of Andromeda Galaxy’s Ecosystem Table of Contents Hubble unveils New 3D Map of Andromeda Galaxy’s Ecosystem A Galactic Ecosystem Under Observation Asymmetry and Perturbations in the Andromeda System Prolonged Star Formation in Andromeda’s Satellites Future Observations and Continued Research Conclusion Unlocking Andromeda’s Secrets: A 3D map Reveals surprising Galactic Evolution … Read more

Orion Nebula Stuns Astronomers with Discovery of Two New Protostars

Orion Nebula Stuns Astronomers with Discovery of Two New Protostars

The orion Nebula: A Stellar Nursery Revealed by Hubble’s ​Latest Observations The Orion Nebula, one of ⁢the largest and closest star-forming regions to​ Earth, has‌ once again captured the ‍attention of astronomers worldwide. Thanks to the latest observations from the Hubble Space Telescope,‍ this celestial wonder, located in⁤ the Hunter’s ⁢sword just below Orion’s Belt, … Read more

Hubble captures spiral galaxy NGC 4689

Hubble captures spiral galaxy NGC 4689

Madrid. This picture from the NASA/ESA Hubble House Telescope reveals the brilliant spiral galaxy NGC 4689, which is positioned 54 million mild years from Earth within the Coma Berenices constellation. This constellation has the excellence of being the one one of many 88 constellations formally acknowledged by the Worldwide Astronomical Union (IAU) to be named … Read more

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Unique Snowball-Like Appearance of NGC 2210 Globular Cluster

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Unique Snowball-Like Appearance of NGC 2210 Globular Cluster

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Hubble Space Telescope succeeded in capturing the appearance globular cluster which is located in the satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, namely the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This globular cluster looks unique because it looks like a giant snowball. The discovery of this globular cluster is also even more interesting because … Read more

The Finch: An Unusual and Mysterious Flash of Light Detected Outside the Galaxy

The Finch: An Unusual and Mysterious Flash of Light Detected Outside the Galaxy

Heba Al-Sayed wrote Monday, October 09, 2023 11:00 PM The Hubble Space Telescope recently discovered an extremely bright and fast flash of light that appeared in an unknown location in space, technically known as Fast Blue Light Optical Transient (LFBOT). The strange thing about this rare event is that it happened outside the galaxy, according … Read more

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of Colliding Galaxies

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Stunning Image of Colliding Galaxies

[The Epoch Times, September 26, 2023](Epoch Times reporter Chen Juncun reported) The Hubble Space Telescope of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) captured a peculiar picture. It shows two different types of galaxies colliding and merging. NASA released this image on September 22. The object, named Arp 107, combines two colliding galaxies about 465 … Read more

New Study Suggests the Universe is Twice as Old as Previously Thought

New Study Suggests the Universe is Twice as Old as Previously Thought

This is not the first time that estimates have changed. Less than a hundred years ago, astronomers believed that the entire space around us was formed only 2 billion years ago. According to the most accurate estimates, the universe is 13.7 billion years old. But such a long time is very difficult to imagine, because … Read more

Ghostly Galaxy NGC 6684: Hubble Space Telescope Sighting 44 Million Light Years Away

Ghostly Galaxy NGC 6684: Hubble Space Telescope Sighting 44 Million Light Years Away

The Hubble Space Telescope recorded the appearance of a ghostly galaxy shrouded in mist about 44 million light years away. Photo/NASA/ESA FLORIDA – Hubble Space Telescope recorded the sighting of a ghostly galaxy shrouded in mist some 44 million light years away. The Hubble Telescope caught sightings of a ghost galaxy called NGC 6684 as … Read more

“Understanding the Illusion of Superluminal Movement in Space: Debunking the Myth of Faster-than-Light Speeds”

“Understanding the Illusion of Superluminal Movement in Space: Debunking the Myth of Faster-than-Light Speeds”

Astronomers were fascinated by the high-energy jet emitted from the collision site of two neutron stars. In 2018, astronomers studying the impact of two colliding neutron stars noticed something strange in Hubble images. It was a stream of bright, high-energy beams that shot from the collision site toward Earth at seven times the speed of … Read more

First black hole on the move creating stars discovered by scientists

First black hole on the move creating stars discovered by scientists

Yale astronomers have announced the discovery of a massive black hole hurtling through space, leaving behind a belt of newborn stars 200,000 light-years long. Pictured is a black hole drawn from observations from the Hubble Telescope. (NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak/STSCI) Comprehensive report by Li Yan April 09, 2023 08:43AM An invisible monster is racing through … Read more