How much does an intensive care bed cost?

How much does an intensive care bed cost?

However, to provide intensive care rooms with the infrastructure and supplies for the care of patients with Covid-19 various very expensive items are required which also require time until they are obtained, transferred and installed. To equip an intensive care room, the essential elements are: saturometer to measure the oxygen level of the blood, a … Read more

How long can Avianca Holdings take to get out of bankruptcy law – Business – Economy

How long can Avianca Holdings take to get out of bankruptcy law – Business – Economy

After Avianca Holdings filed the application to file for Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, its managers noted that the process could take 12 months. However, those who know about these processes explain that the time may be longer, since it is not only about reorganizing the operation of the company, but also … Read more

this is how long asymptomatic people stay contagious and can spread the virus

this is how long asymptomatic people stay contagious and can spread the virus

Posted on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 12:20 p.m. Through Sudinfo — Emmanuel André answered the thorny question of the case of asymptomatic people. – – Many citizens worry about the case of asymptomatic people in this period of coronavirus. “When are these people contagious and until when can they be carriers of the virus? … Read more