Slipperiness leads to record number of broken bones this weekend

Slipperiness leads to record number of broken bones this weekend

ANP extension ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 12:44 He’s never been busier in the ER than last weekend. This was due to the slipperiness the Netherlands had to contend with. Several hospitals say they have treated a record number of bone fractures. In the Haga hospital in The Hague, 243 people arrived in the emergency room on Friday, if … Read more

Valleys of Münster with jazz in their blood – texts for students

Valleys of Münster with jazz in their blood – texts for students

As a child, Holger Rohn wanted to be a musician. With a lot of effort and talent, he made his dream come true. “Sometimes you’d find a Glenn Miller record at your grandmother’s and that always fascinated me,” recalls musician Holger Rohn. Holger Rohn was born in Freiburg in the St. Elisabeth hospital as a … Read more

A citizen tells the story of having his pancreas removed without his knowledge in a hospital in Arar • Al Marsad newspaper

A citizen tells the story of having his pancreas removed without his knowledge in a hospital in Arar • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Citizen Muhammad Al-Subaie recounted the details of his pancreas removal without his knowledge at a hospital in Arar. He said during an interview with the channel “Gulf Rotana”: “My story dates back to 2016. I have diabetes and the consequences of the disease led to my kidney failure. I traveled to one of … Read more