Factors that Help Increase Male Hormone: Insights from a Family Physician

Factors that Help Increase Male Hormone: Insights from a Family Physician

Al-Marsad newspaper: Family physician Dr. Saud Al-Shehri revealed the factors that help increase the male hormone. Al-Shehri said, in a video on his account on X: “A study was conducted on 279 people, and they were placed in two groups, the first walking less than 4,000 steps, and the second walking more than 4,000 steps.” … Read more

5 Essential Nutrients for Hormonal Balance and Overall Health

5 Essential Nutrients for Hormonal Balance and Overall Health

having hormonal balance can be said to be good for our overall health And if our body has imbalanced hormones, it may cause various health problems! It is recommended to eat more foods that contain these vitamins and nutrients. It will help balance hormones and create good health both physically and mentally. Consult health problems … Read more

Growth hormone is important for growth, metabolism, and immunity. Sleep, reducing sugar and fat intake, HIIT workouts, and intermittent fasting can increase it.

Growth hormone is important for growth, metabolism, and immunity. Sleep, reducing sugar and fat intake, HIIT workouts, and intermittent fasting can increase it.

growth hormone Growth hormone (GH or human growth hormone (HGH) is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which is important for growth in children. ready to help repair cells Metabolism regulation, weight loss, muscle growth and strength. increase muscle mass Good for bone health, memory, helps strengthen immunity. It can also help slow … Read more

Watch … a Saudi consultant reveals the negative effects of the “Tunkat Ali” product to raise the male hormone

Watch … a Saudi consultant reveals the negative effects of the “Tunkat Ali” product to raise the male hormone

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Dr. Abdullah Al-Fakhri, a consultant and head of the Department of Kidney and Urology Diseases and Tumors, revealed, during an interview with the “Yahla” program, the harms of using the “Tunkat Ali” product, which works to raise the male hormone, stressing that “it has a negative effect on genes and harms with DNA.” … Read more