“Are you losing weight for no reason?”… Be suspicious of ‘cancers like these’ first!

“Are you losing weight for no reason?”… Be suspicious of ‘cancers like these’ first!

If you lose more than 5% of your body weight in 6 months to 1 year… Lung cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer may be in the ‘early stages.’ input 2024.11.11 14:04 input 2024.11.11 14:04correction 2024.11.11 11:49 Views 62 It’s not just people who are worried about gaining weight. Some people are afraid of losing … Read more

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

Even if you get a stomach bug injection, you still have to eat.

[장준홍의 노자와 현대의학] input 2024.11.05 08:42 input 2024.11.05 08:42correction 2024.11.05 08:41 Views 92 [사진=코메디닷컴DB]You can also get the Wegovy injection, the ‘dream obesity treatment’ developed by Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk, in Korea. Semaglutide, the main ingredient in Gastric Gobi, is an analogue of the hormone glucagon, called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is secreted in … Read more

Chemist’s Warning About Instant Viral Notes Boiled Using Plastic

Chemist’s Warning About Instant Viral Notes Boiled Using Plastic

Jakarta – Social media was full of video uploads showing traders boiling instant noodles in plastic. In the show, which has been viewed 4.5 million times, instant noodles are cooked with vegetables and eggs and then placed in plastic that is soaked in boiling water. “Suitable for those who want to die young,” wrote one … Read more

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

“Are you hungry after exercising?”… Does intense exercise reduce appetite in women?

Inhibits ghrelin, the appetite hormone input 2024.10.28 14:08 input 2024.10.28 14:08correction 2024.10.28 14:09 Views 399 Vigorous exercise helps you lose weight by making you forget about hunger. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]It has been shown that vigorous exercise helps people forget about hunger. It was especially effective in reducing women’s appetite. This is one more reason why people losing … Read more

“Don’t let it fall out any more”… Can you keep your hair by eating ‘these foods’?

“Don’t let it fall out any more”… Can you keep your hair by eating ‘these foods’?

Eat high-protein, low-fat foods or foods rich in iron and zinc. input 2024.10.25 10:05 input 2024.10.25 10:05correction 2024.10.25 11:01 Views 1,202 <img class="size-medium wp-image-1731266 ewww_webp_lazy_load" http:="" alt="Raw oysters and seasoned oysters” width=”700″ height=”475″ srcset=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg 700w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-200×136.jpg 200w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557.jpg 717w” data-lazy-sizes=”(max-width: 700px) 100vw, 700px” src=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg” src-webp=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg.webp” srcset-webp=”https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-700×475.jpg.webp 700w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557-200×136.jpg.webp 200w, https://cdn.kormedi.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/gettyimages-1283121557.jpg.webp 717w”/>Seafood such as oysters, which … Read more

“I haven’t washed my hair in over a year?”…I’ve never shampooed my hair, so it’s rich and thick. What’s the secret?

“I haven’t washed my hair in over a year?”…I’ve never shampooed my hair, so it’s rich and thick. What’s the secret?

A woman who has not washed her hair with shampoo or conditioner for more than a year…claims that she keeps her hair shiny by simply applying herbs and raw eggs to her hair. input 2024.10.20 16:20 input 2024.10.20 16:20correction 2024.10.20 16:42 Views 3,778 A woman revealed the secret to maintaining rich and shiny hair even … Read more

“Obese women are more likely to get this cancer”… If body fat is high, it rises four times

“Obese women are more likely to get this cancer”… If body fat is high, it rises four times

The previous estimate was 10%, but when more accurate body fat measurements were applied, it increased four times. input 2024.10.17 21:04 input 2024.10.17 21:04correction 2024.10.17 17:35 Views 0 A new study shows that obesity is a strong cause of breast cancer. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A new study shows that obesity is a strong cause of breast cancer. This … Read more

A new target in the treatment of psoriasis

A new target in the treatment of psoriasis

THE ESSENTIAL Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease that currently cannot be cured. Psoriasis is characterized by red, scaly patches on the skin. Inserm researchers believe they have found a new way to treat psoriasis. According to a new study carried by French researchers from Inserm, the iron hormone called “hepcidine” could one … Read more

Study Shows Estrogen Increases Impact of Pleasure Response Proteins in Brain, Leading to Nicotine Addiction in Women

Study Shows Estrogen Increases Impact of Pleasure Response Proteins in Brain, Leading to Nicotine Addiction in Women

Estrogen, a female hormone, increases the effect of pleasure response proteins in the brain. Entered 2024.04.07 22:16 Entered 2024.04.07 22:16 Modified 2024.04.07 22:35 Views 1,308 A study found that women are more likely to become addicted to cigarettes than men. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]As the number of female smokers increases, the number of teenage women receiving treatment for … Read more

Minimally Invasive Microwave Ablation as Safe Alternative to Thyroid Surgery for Thyroid Cancer: Study Finds Similar Progression-Free Survival with Fewer Side Effects

Minimally Invasive Microwave Ablation as Safe Alternative to Thyroid Surgery for Thyroid Cancer: Study Finds Similar Progression-Free Survival with Fewer Side Effects

Compared to surgery, the progression-free survival rate is similar and the side effects are much fewer. Entered 2024.04.04 22:45 Entered 2024.04.04 22:45 Modified 2024.04.04 17:59 Views 84 Removing part or all of the thyroid gland can affect a patient’s quality of life. [사진=클립아트코리아]Research has shown that microwave ablation, which destroys only the tumor using heat … Read more