Earth’s Day Lengthening Process, Stalled for Two Billion Years, Resumed: Study

Earth’s Day Lengthening Process, Stalled for Two Billion Years, Resumed: Study

Jakarta – The days on Earth are slowly getting longer, thanks in large part to the Moon. However, it seems that this is a very different process than imagined. The day lengthening has stalled at least once. For a long time starting about two billion years ago, the lengthening of Earth’s day may have stopped … Read more

Where Does Earth’s Water Come From? Exploring the Origins of Life-Sustaining H2O

Where Does Earth’s Water Come From? Exploring the Origins of Life-Sustaining H2O

Jakarta Water is an important thing that cannot be separated from human life. Without water humans cannot live. Reported from detikINET, about 71% of the Earth’s surface is water. So do not be surprised if the Earth is known as the ‘Blue Planet’. Most of the human body also consists of water. Humans need regular … Read more

Another Existence Lies Beneath the Earth’s Depths

Another Existence Lies Beneath the Earth’s Depths

Jakarta – Beneath our feet, deep in the depths of our planet, lies an immense, colossal ecosystem teeming with life. In recent years, an international team of scientists has uncovered how billions upon billions of microorganisms live thousands of kilometers beneath the surface Earth. Presenting their findings at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical … Read more

The Earth’s Core Is Behaving Strangely, Scientists Try to Dig Up Mysteries

The Earth’s Core Is Behaving Strangely, Scientists Try to Dig Up Mysteries

Jakarta – Something strange is happening deep beneath our feet. Over the years, seismic studies have detected a number of anomalies occurring in the area between the Earth’s core and mantle, which are believed to be the result of processes within the mantle. A new study, published this week in Nature, suggests that this activity … Read more

The Winchcombe Meteorite Can Help Reveal Big Secrets about Earth’s Origins

The Winchcombe Meteorite Can Help Reveal Big Secrets about Earth’s Origins

Jakarta – MeteoriteWinchcombe is said to have a very important role because this rock contains the origins of the formation of the Earth. This meteorite was observed entering Earth’s atmosphere as a fireball over Gloucestershire, England in February 2021. Reported from detikInet, Sunday (15/1/2023), experts have confirmed that these rocks from outer space contain amino … Read more

Meteorite Falls in England Keep the Secret of Earth’s Origin

Meteorite Falls in England Keep the Secret of Earth’s Origin

Jakarta – The Winchcombe meteorite, a meteorite that was observed entering Earth’s atmosphere as a fireball over Gloucestershire, England in February 2021, is a very important rock because it is known to contain the origins of Earth’s formation Experts have confirmed that the Winchcombe meteorite contained amino acids, organic compounds essential for life on Earth. … Read more

Surprisingly, 6% of Earth’s mass comes from asteroids

Surprisingly, 6% of Earth’s mass comes from asteroids

Jakarta – Two years ago, the Japanese Hayabusa-2 spacecraft delivered a special cargo to Earth. Contains, samples of material collected in asteroid Ryugu. Analysis of the precious few grams of soil from the asteroid’s surface and subsurface has revealed new information about our planet’s past and that of the entire Solar System. An international team … Read more