The Mystery of Vredefort Crater: Earth’s Oldest Craters Disappearing

The Mystery of Vredefort Crater: Earth’s Oldest Craters Disappearing

Jakarta – About two billion years ago, a asteroid fell near present-day Johannesburg the largest crater in the world currently known. Initially, the impact caused the Earth’s surface to crack 60 miles wide, but the crater grew to three times wider as its walls collapsed and the rocks beneath it began to bounce. Scientists say … Read more

Rare Diamonds and the Secret of Kimberlite: Unearthing the Mysteries of Earth’s Deep Origins

Rare Diamonds and the Secret of Kimberlite: Unearthing the Mysteries of Earth’s Deep Origins

Jakarta – In the twilight of the Cretaceous Period, 86 million years ago, volcanic fissures in what is now South Africa rumbled. Beneath the surface, magma from hundreds of kilometers away shoots upwards, crushing rocks and minerals and bringing them to the surface in reverse avalanches. Quoted from Live Science, Wednesday (17/1/2024) in 1869, the … Read more

The Formation of the Melanesian Border Plateau: A Geological Superstructure Beneath the Pacific Ocean

The Formation of the Melanesian Border Plateau: A Geological Superstructure Beneath the Pacific Ocean

Jakarta – Deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, an enormous geological superstructure has been growing since the Cretaceous period. The formation of this superstructure was triggered by an area of ​​intraplate volcanism that was wider than England. In a new study, geologists tried to piece together information on how the Melanesian Border Plateau formed. They concluded … Read more

Scientists Identify Geological Sites for Anthropocene Epoch

Scientists Identify Geological Sites for Anthropocene Epoch

Jakarta – Scientists identified geological sites that they think best reflect the beginning of the Anthropocene epoch, an epoch that marked a major step toward changing the official timeline of Earth’s history. The Anthropocene or Anthropocene is the period that began when human activities began to have a global influence on the Earth’s ecosystem. This … Read more

Discoveries About Earth’s Core Rotation Every 8.5 Years

Discoveries About Earth’s Core Rotation Every 8.5 Years

Jakarta – Scientists in China recently made new discoveries about the heart of our planet. Every 8.5 years, the Earth’s core vibrates on its rotation axis. This shift is most likely caused by a small misalignment between the Earth’s inner core and mantle to the layers beneath the Earth’s crust, according to a new study … Read more

Oldest Water Pool in the World Discovered in Canada Mine: Traces of Life Found

Oldest Water Pool in the World Discovered in Canada Mine: Traces of Life Found

Jakarta – In 2016, researchers at a mine in Canada discovered the oldest water pool in the world. The pool of water at a depth of approximately 3 kilometers is believed to be two billion years old. This discovery “revises” the oldest known water data by at least 500 million years. The previous record was … Read more

Is it Possible to Dig Through the Earth? China’s Deepest Hole and the Kola Superdeep Borehole

Is it Possible to Dig Through the Earth? China’s Deepest Hole and the Kola Superdeep Borehole

Jakarta – Five years ago, scientists created an interactive map model that could show where we would emerge if we dug our way through the Earth. Most of the answers are ‘somewhere in the ocean’. But if you think about it again, is it possible to dig the Earth until it comes out the other … Read more

Researchers Find Chemical Remains of Earth’s Magma Ocean in Southern Greenland Rocks

Researchers Find Chemical Remains of Earth’s Magma Ocean in Southern Greenland Rocks

Jakarta – Before hosting life as it does now, Earth was once a planet that was not suitable for living creatures to live on. For our planet’s first 50 million years, about 4.5 billion years ago, its surface was a sea of ​​super-hot magma, bubbling and emitting heat from within the Earth. The cooling of … Read more

Discovering Earth’s Ancient Magma Ocean: Clues to Planet’s Early History

Discovering Earth’s Ancient Magma Ocean: Clues to Planet’s Early History

Jakarta – Before hosting life as it does now, Earth was once a planet that was not suitable for living creatures to live on. For our planet’s first 50 million years, about 4.5 billion years ago, its surface was a sea of ​​super-hot magma, bubbling and emitting heat from within the Earth. The cooling of … Read more

Scientist: Dinosaurs Are the ‘Cause’ Humans Can’t Live Long

Scientist: Dinosaurs Are the ‘Cause’ Humans Can’t Live Long

Jakarta – There is a big difference between the rate of aging of mammals (including us) and the rate of aging of many species of reptiles and amphibians. This difference, according to one scientist, may be due to the dominance of dinosaurs millions of years ago, at a critical period in mammalian history. Microbiologist João … Read more