NPO employees want permanent contracts

NPO employees want permanent contracts

A group of employees from various public broadcasters has sent an open letter to NPO chairman Shula Rijxman, calling on them to issue more permanent contracts. Also read: FNV member Zakaria Boufangacha: ‘Job security is our top priority’ In the open letter, the employees write that they sometimes work for a broadcaster for more than … Read more

Unique: Code red for Tergooi; stop all ordinary care immediately …

Unique: Code red for Tergooi; stop all ordinary care immediately …

Hilversum Tergooi announced “code red” for the hospital on Friday. This means that all regular care has been stopped immediately and all employees and materials are now being used to treat corona patients. The hospital will remain open for emergencies. – Code red is unique for the Gooise hospital. The number of corona patients admitted … Read more

Three corona patients at Intensive Care Tergooi; four employees …

Three corona patients at Intensive Care Tergooi; four employees …

Hilversum Since Thursday, two new corona patients have been on the Tergooi Intensive Care Unit. This brings the total number to three. They are all on ventilation. This is reported by a spokeswoman for Tergooi. – She also announces that four hospital employees have been tested positive. They are now in home isolation. One of … Read more