UOH filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office to investigate an alleged case of abuse at the Rancagua campus – 2024-09-07 06:15:40

UOH filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office to investigate an alleged case of abuse at the Rancagua campus
 – 2024-09-07 06:15:40

In a statement signed by the rector of the higher education institution, the University of O’Higgins reported that a complaint was filed with the local prosecutor’s office in Rancagua to investigate the serious events exposed in the Instagram post, “and to ensure that there is no impunity in situations of this nature. This complaint is … Read more

Royalty funds will be used to improve streets, educate and deal with emergencies, among other important initiatives – 2024-09-06 23:45:38

Royalty funds will be used to improve streets, educate and deal with emergencies, among other important initiatives
 – 2024-09-06 23:45:38

The City Council approved the budget allocation that will allow the allocation of more than 928 million pesos from this tax to mining. The Municipal Council recently approved the budget distribution of more than 928 million pesos from the Mining Royalty, a significant injection of resources that will be delivered to the Municipality of Rancagua … Read more

At Ena Bellemans Montti School they have an enriching meeting with Ana Carlota González – 2024-09-06 19:17:45

At Ena Bellemans Montti School they have an enriching meeting with Ana Carlota González
 – 2024-09-06 19:17:45

The writer, born in Rancagua and living in Ecuador, shared with First Grade students the incredible life experiences around writing and reading. In addition, she reviewed her works and answered various questions from the children present. Enthusiastic students from 1st grade A, from the Ena Bellemans Montti School in Rancagua and guided by teacher María … Read more

Senate Mining Commission and Subdere evaluate the impact and reporting of resource transfers to municipalities – 2024-09-06 14:58:00

Senate Mining Commission and Subdere evaluate the impact and reporting of resource transfers to municipalities
 – 2024-09-06 14:58:00

The Undersecretariat of Regional Development (SUBDERE) presented a report to the Senate’s Mining and Energy Commission detailing the impact and distribution of resources derived from the Mining Royalty during the first six months of implementation in the O’Higgins region and throughout the country. This report has been key to ensuring transparency in the administration of … Read more

San Fernando Foundation helps children with autism through hippotherapy – 2024-09-06 08:19:53

San Fernando Foundation helps children with autism through hippotherapy
 – 2024-09-06 08:19:53

Using horses to help children with autism from rural schools is the work being carried out by the San Fernando Equine Therapy Foundation, an entity that a few weeks ago was awarded the Fund for Strengthening Public Interest Organizations (FFOIP) from the Seremi Government. The initiative presented to the department is related to the creation … Read more

O’Higgins will visit Huachipato with several casualties – 2024-09-06 01:57:10

O’Higgins will visit Huachipato with several casualties
 – 2024-09-06 01:57:10

On Sunday at noon, O’Higgins de Rancagua will face Huachipato, closing the 23rd date of the National Tournament.The Celestes, in Talcahuano, need a victory to get away from the bottom positions again, considering the results that have been given in the day. In this regard, coach Victor Fuentes said that “we have not worried about … Read more

Autism Rancagua requests abandoned property that belonged to O’Higgins Crea – 2024-09-05 23:41:19

Autism Rancagua requests abandoned property that belonged to O’Higgins Crea
 – 2024-09-05 23:41:19

What once served as a centre for the study, development and promotion of the region’s economy and creative industry, the now defunct O’Higgins Crea Corporation, has now become a gloomy, lonely and unsafe space, despite the fact that the regional government injected resources into it and that today it is of no use to society. … Read more

Campaign to not use “cured thread” during these National Holidays is reinforced – 2024-09-05 21:30:29

Campaign to not use “cured thread” during these National Holidays is reinforced
 – 2024-09-05 21:30:29

Thinking about the well-being of the community during these Fiestas Patrias, the police are patrolling different areas to ensure that people who decide to fly a kite do not do so with the dangerous “cured thread,” the use and distribution of which is punishable by law. Not in vain, the region already has a child … Read more