Natural Remedies for Managing Herpes: Lemon Balm, Honey, Garlic, and Aloe Vera

Natural Remedies for Managing Herpes: Lemon Balm, Honey, Garlic, and Aloe Vera

Books – Hossam Al Shaqoury Friday, April 28, 2023 08:00 PM Herpes is a common viral infection that affects both adult men and women, and is divided into herpes simplex and genital herpes. And it happens herpes virus; Simple (HSV) Symptoms of herpes include blisters or skin sores, as well as itching and burning. And … Read more

Ministry of Health introduces Herpes Zoster vaccine for 65-year-olds in Zamora

Ministry of Health introduces Herpes Zoster vaccine for 65-year-olds in Zamora

Around 2.500 zamoranoswho meet 65 years receive the vaccine this year against Herpes zoster, one of the novelties introduced by the Ministry of Health in the calendar of vaccinations. As indicated by the department headed by Alexander Vazquez“from 2023, people will be vaccinated born as of January 1, 1957 when they fulfill or have fulfilled … Read more

65,000 vaccine doses for herpes zoster procured for 65-to-80-year-old population.

65,000 vaccine doses for herpes zoster procured for 65-to-80-year-old population.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha has approved the acquisition of 64,656 doses of vaccines against herpes zoster for the vaccination schedule of Castilla-La Mancha during 2023. To avoid or minimize this disease, the Castilian-La Mancha Government includes vaccination against herpes zoster in its annual calendar with the recommendation to all people turning 65 and 80 … Read more

“The cause of Alzheimer’s is a virus”… Strengthening ‘infection theory’: Dong-A Science

“The cause of Alzheimer’s is a virus”…  Strengthening ‘infection theory’: Dong-A Science

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disease that causes progressive dementia. Getty Image Bank Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s disease) is known as a degenerative brain disease caused by the accumulation of amyloid beta protein in the brain. It is said that a specific protein that accumulates in the brain causes dementia. However, recently, evidence supporting the … Read more

Herpes, the virus that will never forget you

Herpes, the virus that will never forget you

Related “The ‘hot spots’ are produced by the herpes simplex virus, which can cause lesions in the oral and genital mucosa or more serious and unusual manifestations such as meningoencephalitis, hepatitis…”, explains Dr. Paula Sánchez Conde, from the Department of Internal Medicine. of the Povisa de Vigo Hospital. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between … Read more