Corona before the end? Expert: We already have herd immunity

Corona before the end?  Expert: We already have herd immunity

More and more anti-corona measures are being lifted. Has the pandemic been defeated, at least in this country? An expert assesses the situation and explains what protection we still need. The announced on Wednesday EU Commissionshe sees Europe at the end of the “acute” phase of the CoronaPandemic arrived. “We are entering a new phase … Read more

incidence, admissions, ICU, deaths, restrictions, vaccinated, covid certificate

incidence, admissions, ICU, deaths, restrictions, vaccinated, covid certificate

The sixth wave of coronavirus continues to grow uncontrollably in Catalonia and Andalusia, which have once again broken the record for infections for the entire epidemic. Andalusia registers this Monday, January 17, a total of 16,498 coronavirus infections in 48 hours, while Catalonia reported more than 200,000 in the last seven days. In France, the … Read more

why we have not yet achieved herd immunity despite vaccines

why we have not yet achieved herd immunity despite vaccines

The coronavirus pandemic Together, it has forced us to become familiar with a number of terms and concepts related to health and epidemiology that we may not have used before. One of the most important, perhaps, is ‘herd immunity’. From the initial stages of the outbreak, it was sold by many political representatives as one … Read more

The Ins and Outs and Calculations of Herd Immunity Related to the Rate of Covid-19 Cases

The Ins and Outs and Calculations of Herd Immunity Related to the Rate of Covid-19 Cases

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -Covid19 cases don’t just stop when capacity herd immunity has been achieved. Later the rate of spread of Covid-19 will slow down and may become endemic like measles or polio. Thus, Herd Immunity is like a gateway to the new normal. So what exactly is Herd Immunity? Launching from the Ministry of Health page … Read more

incidence, certificates, passports, omicron variant, vaccines and booster doses, restrictions, income, icu and deaths

incidence, certificates, passports, omicron variant, vaccines and booster doses, restrictions, income, icu and deaths

The covid-19 pandemic continues to complicate in Spain. The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, appears in Congress to explain the evolution of the pandemic with the rate of infections on the rise, 441 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and ten communities already at very high risk of transmission (more than 500 points), This reignites the debate … Read more

Various Vaccination Centers Accelerate Herd Immunity

Various Vaccination Centers Accelerate Herd Immunity

loading… JAKARTA – Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin said various vaccination centers will accelerate herd immunity or communal immunity. This was said by Kiai Ma’ruf during his review vaccination center in the Palmerah area of ​​Jakarta, recently. “The key to the successful handling of the Covid-19 pandemic is influenced by many … Read more

Children and Adolescents with These 9 Conditions Can’t Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

Children and Adolescents with These 9 Conditions Can’t Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Giving injections vaccine Covid-19 for the age group of children and adolescents, ranging in age from 12 to 17 years, also provides protection for the body. The goal is to avoid transmission of the virus or possible severe symptoms due to infection with the Covid-19 virus or SARS Cov-2. Vaccination in children … Read more

Not vaccinated against Covid-19? These are 5 Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During Activities

Not vaccinated against Covid-19?  These are 5 Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During Activities, JAKARTA – The increase in positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia is certainly worrying. Many people question how to stay safe and healthy, even though they haven’t received the vaccination. In the midst of the Covid-19 tsunami, the government and health experts continue to promote mass vaccination programs. The goal is to get people … Read more

An NBA player wants to buy vaccines against Covid-19 for the entire population of Bosnia-Herzegovina

An NBA player wants to buy vaccines against Covid-19 for the entire population of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Jusuf Nurkic, player of the Portland Trail Blazers, has always been a very involved and committed person with his country, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Now, in the midst of a pandemic and with vaccination very advanced in some countries, he wants to do his bit and has considered buying vaccines for the entire country. He announced it in … Read more

The Latest Conditions for 6 Countries That Are Free Of Masks But The Corona Is Rising Again

The Latest Conditions for 6 Countries That Are Free Of Masks But The Corona Is Rising Again

Jakarta – Several countries in the world have previously been reported to have lifted mandatory masks and relaxed social restrictions. These countries think they can control the epidemic COVID-19 by looking at the daily low case data. However, after some time passed, the world experienced another spike in cases COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) … Read more