Discovery of a herbal plant that prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol and contributes to weight loss

Discovery of a herbal plant that prevents cancer, lowers cholesterol and contributes to weight loss

Al-Marsad Newspaper: Cardamom has been known for its medicinal benefits since ancient times, in addition to being one of the most common spices. Among its most prominent benefits: Helps prevent cancer In a 2012 study, the results of which were published on websites, it was found that cardamom regulates the activity of genes in skin … Read more

Aloe Vera Plants Can Be Made Herbal Hemorrhoids Naturally, Here’s How

Aloe Vera Plants Can Be Made Herbal Hemorrhoids Naturally, Here’s How

BLORA MEDIA – It turns out plants Aloe vera this can be used as drug herbal pain hemorrhoids regularly experiencesee how. Be aware, plants Aloe vera is one of plants which can be used as drug herbal pain hemorrhoids regularly experience. In the content plants Aloe vera Has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve itching … Read more

Aloe Vera Plants Can Be Made Herbal Medicine for Hemorrhoids Naturally, Here’s How

Aloe Vera Plants Can Be Made Herbal Medicine for Hemorrhoids Naturally, Here’s How

BLORA MEDIA – It turns out plants Aloe vera this can be used as drug herbal pain hemorrhoids regularly experiencesee how. Be aware, plants Aloe vera is one of plants which can be used as drug herbal pain hemorrhoids regularly experience. In the content plants Aloe vera Has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve itching … Read more

5 herbs to overcome diabetes, easily available ingredients, effective in lowering blood sugar

5 herbs to overcome diabetes, easily available ingredients, effective in lowering blood sugar

GALAMEDIA NEWS – Herbal is a type of plant that has properties and is used as a medicine drug exceed pathology–pathology Certain. There are several herbal to be able together diabetespowerful put it down in writing glycemia and Material for drug Experience this also easy to get. Usage herbal like drug it definitely has a … Read more

7 herbal decoctions for diabetes: not bitter

7 herbal decoctions for diabetes: not bitter

Jakarta, CNNI Indonesia — Besides drug use, there are herbal concoctions diabetes which can help regulate blood sugar levels. Throwing various sources, some ingredients in the tea appear to be beneficial for diabetics and help improve blood sugar control, reduce inflammation, and increase insulin sensitivity, all of which are important for diabetes management. Additionally, drinking … Read more