5 symptoms that confirm high blood cholesterol.. 10 tips to control it

5 symptoms that confirm high blood cholesterol.. 10 tips to control it

Chances are you or someone you know is getting high cholesterol But it usually has no symptoms. This common condition can cause serious health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, high cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death, and stroke, which is the fifth leading cause. … Read more

Fifty-year-old problems – 5 diseases that can affect you

Fifty-year-old problems – 5 diseases that can affect you

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Public health should be treated after the age of fifty, adopting a healthy lifestyle, because at this age – and beyond – the risk of contracting a group of diseases increases. In the report that follows, “Il Consulto” reviews the most common diseases at fifty, according to “WebMD”. Read … Read more

Facts and myths about walking, is 10,000 steps really the ideal benchmark?

Facts and myths about walking, is 10,000 steps really the ideal benchmark?

Most exercise is associated with mental health benefits. However, in many cases, no single exercise, including walking, alone can cure clinical ailments such as depression and anxiety. It’s just that exercise like walking can help your mood improve. “How does walking affect mood? Most people can function in a sympathetic or more stressed state. Well, … Read more

Beware of the ‘Silent Killer’: Here Are 4 Signs of High Blood Pressure, Including Headaches

Beware of the ‘Silent Killer’: Here Are 4 Signs of High Blood Pressure, Including Headaches

It is often called tall blood pressure Called the silent killer, because it’s easy to ignore symptoms or miss them altogether. High blood pressure is a very common condition affecting up to 40% of adults. It is one of the most common conditions for which medications are prescribed. blood pressure include family history, older age, … Read more

5 diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency: pay attention to them

5 diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency: pay attention to them

I wrote – Hoda Abdel Nasser: Many people suffer from a lack of vitamin D in the body, which affects the body in general and causes certain diseases that often require immediate consultation by a specialist. In the following report, The Consulto looks at diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency, according to Everydayhealth. Diseases associated … Read more

At risk of all ages, ‘heart disease’ is not a disease of the elderly.

At risk of all ages, ‘heart disease’ is not a disease of the elderly.

young children with heart disease heart disease in children is another matter that parents should not overlook. It is as likely to occur as heart disease in adults, so parents should educate themselves about heart disease in children. and continue to observe your child’s symptoms regularly Because heart disease in children can be cured if … Read more

Clogged arteries are a time bomb. Know how to stay healthy

Clogged arteries are a time bomb. Know how to stay healthy

Coronary heart disease occurs when plaque (a mixture of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other substances found in the blood) builds up in the arteries. ArteriosclerosisPlaque reduces the amount of oxygen-rich blood reaching the heart, which can cause chest pain (called angina). Plaque can also lead to blood clots, which block blood flow and are the … Read more