7 Ways to Lose Weight After Childbirth Naturally and Healthily

7 Ways to Lose Weight After Childbirth Naturally and Healthily

Illustration of pregnant woman. © Shutterstock.com/milaphotos – Merdeka.com – Getting back weight after giving birth is a struggle for some women. Caring for a newborn baby can be stressful, adjusting to a new routine, and recovering after giving birth can be very challenging. Plus, of course you want to get your body back to the … Read more

Tips for Overcoming Dry Eyes Due to Using Masks

Tips for Overcoming Dry Eyes Due to Using Masks

Covesia.com – If you wear a mask all day and don’t have any problems, you’re probably fine. But for those of you who experience dry eye symptoms, you should immediately take action because this condition can be a troublesome problem. Here are some tips that can be used to overcome this problem, quoted from Antara, … Read more

6 Ways to Overcome Gout Naturally, Effectively and Safely

6 Ways to Overcome Gout Naturally, Effectively and Safely

Illustration of gout. © 2015 Merdeka.com/shutterstock/Image Point Fr – Merdeka.com – One of the many diseases suffered by the people of Indonesia is gout. Gout is a joint disease that occurs due to high uric acid levels in the blood. Unhealthy lifestyles more or less trigger this degenerative disease to occur. Basically, this disease is … Read more

How to prepare oats for a healthy diet

How to prepare oats for a healthy diet

What are the benefits of oats? Oatmeal has always been an excellent nutritional supplement. It not only stands out for its good amount of trace elements and antioxidants, but also for many other properties that it brings with it. oat water.jpg – – Helps to lose weight healthily. Lowers triglycerides and bad cholesterol. Reduces the … Read more

How should we handle quarantined feeding? – Lifetime

How should we handle quarantined feeding? – Lifetime

Plan M together with nutritionist Laura Cruz provide some recommendations to keep in mind in isolation, time in which you can feel more anxiety about the closure and also, the desire to take advantage of the quarantine to lose a few kilos. More hours of sleep, less physical activity, teleworking, children without classes and more … Read more

Healthy tricks to lose weight without the pressure of a diet

Healthy tricks to lose weight without the pressure of a diet

We know what to try slim down during confinement it is a very complicated task. Aside from telecommuting, kids, uncertainties, and limited access to sports, there’s a temptation to go to the fridge and give yourself an unhealthy snack prize. However, losing weight is possible and even recommended, given that some experts have suggested that … Read more

Top 25 tips for healthy living (even quarantined)

Top 25 tips for healthy living (even quarantined)

05/09/2020 20:35 – Updated: 05/09/2020 20:39 – Being quarantined shouldn’t be an excuse to abandon the healthy lifestyle path. Although we spend more time at home than ever, we can continue doing sports and eating healthy. Recently, the government allowed outings to exercise and take walks for those over 14 years old, which has made … Read more

Do you chop between hours?

Do you chop between hours?

Chopping between meals is one of the temptations that are harder to leave when we want to follow a healthy diet. The specialists in nutrition and dietetics of Clínica Opción Médica, give you six keys to avoid it: 1. Caloric foods? One of the keys to avoid biting between meals is to leave more caloric … Read more