Healthy Living From a Young Age Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Dementia

Healthy Living From a Young Age Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Dementia

Alzheimer’s dementia is a degenerative disease that is often experienced by the elderly. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Alzheimer’s dementia can arise due to genetic factors. However, a person can reduce the risk of getting this disease if he is young to adopt a healthy lifestyle. “In addition to a healthy diet, physical activity such as exercise … Read more

BEWARE of Soaring Blood Sugar, Avoid These 3 Habits So that Diabetes Doesn’t Get Worse

BEWARE of Soaring Blood Sugar, Avoid These 3 Habits So that Diabetes Doesn’t Get Worse Much blood sugar High blood pressure is one of the problems that sufferers often experience diabetes. Yes, sufferer diabetes this is often the case. No wonder people with this disease are obliged to keep rates blood sugar them. Keeping blood sugar stable can actually be done by changing your lifestyle and diet. However, not … Read more

Diet and Exercise Options to Prevent Sexual Problems, Including Erectile Dysfunction

Diet and Exercise Options to Prevent Sexual Problems, Including Erectile Dysfunction

A healthy diet and exercise can prevent sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Urology specialist-urology consultant andrologist, Widi Atmoko, explained that the application of a healthy diet can prevent sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction or dysfunction. Erectile disorders are characterized by the inability of a man to have an erection for … Read more

High Cholesterol Levels Can Be Controlled with a Healthy Lifestyle

High Cholesterol Levels Can Be Controlled with a Healthy Lifestyle

– High cholesterol levels can be overcome with lifestyle. – – Cholesterol actually plays a central role in brain health. When the brain is deficient in cholesterol, one of the most basic structural and functional components, it creates fertile ground for some of our most feared and damaging diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, depression, … Read more

5 Simple Steps to Improve Healthy Lifestyle Habits

5 Simple Steps to Improve Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Sleep schedule plays a big role in weight and mental maintenance alertness. Lack of sleep can lead to increased appetite which can quickly derail your healthy lifestyle goals. On the other hand, says Kent, getting the right amount of sleep, as experts recommend between seven to nine hours a night, can boost metabolism and help … Read more

4 Vitamins for Body Endurance, The Key is Consumption of Healthy Food

4 Vitamins for Body Endurance, The Key is Consumption of Healthy Food – During a pandemic like now, we have to be smart maintain endurance so as not to get sick or get infected with the virus. One of how to maintain endurance is consuming vitamin. The following are vitamin recommendations for body endurance. In order for the body to stay healthy and avoid disease, of … Read more

4 Healthy Habits That Make You Live Longer to 14 Years

4 Healthy Habits That Make You Live Longer to 14 Years

loading… JAKARTA – A study has found healthy habits who can prolong life up to 14 years. In a study published in Plos Medicine, the combined impact of health habits and mortality on men and women was further analyzed. This study examines the relationship between lifestyle and mortality in a prospective population study of 20,244 … Read more

Expert: Not Only Elderly, Young Age Can Experience Osteoporosis

Expert: Not Only Elderly, Young Age Can Experience Osteoporosis

Prof. Dr. Dwikora Novembri Utomo, dr., Sp.OT(K), an expert from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) reminded the importance of maintaining bone health from a young age. Because not only the elderly who can be affected by osteoporosis. According to this expert who is also a member of the Indonesian Association of Orthopedic … Read more

The Importance of Healthy Living with Balanced Nutrition during a Pandemic

The Importance of Healthy Living with Balanced Nutrition during a Pandemic

loading… JAKARTA – Meet intake nutrition daily body properly and correctly has many benefits. Some of the benefits include maintaining energy, getting better brain performance, getting an ideal body weight, and reducing the risk of disease. But, have you met the body’s daily nutrition? Not many people understand this, that’s why MS Slim held webinar … Read more

Important Habits to Keep the Heart Primed during a Pandemic

Important Habits to Keep the Heart Primed during a Pandemic

Physical activity is synonymous with exercise. Yes, this is an important activity to maintain a healthy heart. However, not only sports with complete equipment, you can also do simple physical activities such as walking, jogging, going up and down stairs, and other activities at home. In order to be optimal in maintaining heart health, this … Read more