Be an artist’s favorite diet, Here are the Right Rules for Intermittent Fasting

Be an artist’s favorite diet, Here are the Right Rules for Intermittent Fasting

Indonesian Celebs Embrace Intermittent Fasting for Fast Weight Loss Intermittent fasting has taken the Indonesian entertainment industry by storm, with stars like Marshanda, Rina Nose, and Adrian Maulana touting its effectiveness for shedding pounds and maintaining a trim figure. "Implementing a fast diet pattern is believed to increase results for losing weight and maintaining a … Read more

Learn about the legume that helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar

Learn about the legume that helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar

Las lentilsbelonging to the family of the legumesare a fundamental food in various culinary cultures around the world. Its cultivation dates back thousands of years, and its presence in the human diet has remained constant due to its numerous nutritional properties. In Mexico, its cultivation has been produced since the arrival of the Spanish and … Read more

5 recommended infusions to lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes

5 recommended infusions to lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes

According to the International Federation of Diabetes1 in 10 people in the world lives with this disease, for a total of 537 million, a figure that is estimated to “increase in 2045 to 784 million people.” “Diabetes is a disease which is characterized by having levels of glucose elevated in the sangre“said Dr. Miguel Omeara, … Read more

The fruit that few eat, but regulates blood sugar and is full of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin B

The fruit that few eat, but regulates blood sugar and is full of antioxidants, fiber and vitamin B

Las prunes They’re a fruit which goes unnoticed by many, but is a real treasure nutritional. Full of antioxidantsfiber and vitamins of the group Bit is also excellent for regulating the sugar in blood. Prunes are one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant content available. These antioxidants, especially polyphenols, are essential for fighting cell … Read more

Vitamin D Deficiency in Pregnant Women: National Health Service Urges Sun Exposure and Dietary Supplements to Avoid Health Risks

Vitamin D Deficiency in Pregnant Women: National Health Service Urges Sun Exposure and Dietary Supplements to Avoid Health Risks

Food things you should know Vitamin D is one of the key nutrients for women during pregnancy. However, according to surveys, nearly half of women of childbearing age in my country do not get enough vitamin D. For this reason, the National Health Administration calls for moderate sun exposure and intake of related foods, such … Read more

The Secret of Vitamins: How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Better Health

The Secret of Vitamins: How to Maintain a Healthy Diet for Better Health

Hello everyone! I am health manager Cai Huiting. Today we will focus on another member of the Big Six – vitamins. Vitamins are indispensable elements for maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Let us uncover the secrets of vitamins together. 💡 What are vitamins? Vitamins are organic compounds that, although required in small amounts … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Minerals: Importance, Sources, and Deficiency Risks

The Ultimate Guide to Minerals: Importance, Sources, and Deficiency Risks

Today we will focus on another member of the Big Six – minerals. Although minerals are required in relatively small amounts in our diet, they are indispensable for the normal functioning of the body. Let’s explore the mysteries of minerals together. 💎 What are minerals? Minerals are inorganic nutrients that include calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, … Read more

Simple Diet Change Reduces Risk of Heart Attacks and Stroke, Study Finds

Simple Diet Change Reduces Risk of Heart Attacks and Stroke, Study Finds

Written by Amal Allam Tuesday, January 02, 2024 05:00 PM The Daily Express website revealed that the simple change in diet that you can make significantly reduces the risk of heart attacks. A study revealed that eating breakfast early and avoiding late meals reduces the risk. Having a heart attack Or a stroke. The website … Read more

Top Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet: Foods to Eat and Nutrients to Focus On

Top Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy Diet: Foods to Eat and Nutrients to Focus On

A healthy pregnancy requires proper nutrition to ensure good health for the fetus, by relying on an integrated system that enhances its growth and also reduces the risk of complications. According to the “verywellfamily” website, a diet during pregnancy is a specialized nutritional plan designed to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women, and focuses … Read more