The Importance of Vitamin D and the Dangers of Deficiency and Excess

The Importance of Vitamin D and the Dangers of Deficiency and Excess

Keypoints : Thailand is located in a landscape where there is sunshine most of the year. But from the group of people who received a health check-up at the Health Checkup Center, Vejthani Hospital, 99% were found to be absent.vitamin d This is in line with previous surveys and research, the dangers, the effects on … Read more

Addressing the Challenges of an Aging Society: The Importance of Health Checks and Elderly Care

Addressing the Challenges of an Aging Society: The Importance of Health Checks and Elderly Care

Keypionts : There is an increasing number of elderly people around the world, including Thailand, which is facing an aging tsunami. 2023 is the first year that the number of elderly people in Thailand has increased more than 1 million per year. It will be a situation like this for the next 20 years. must … Read more

Preventing and Treating Cervical Cancer in Thai Women: The Importance of HPV DNA Testing and Self-Sampling

Preventing and Treating Cervical Cancer in Thai Women: The Importance of HPV DNA Testing and Self-Sampling

Key Point : Cervical cancer is the fifth most common cancer in Thai women. It also detects more than 25 patients per day, however, cervical cancer. It can be prevented and treated if detected early, but in the past, women rarely got tested due to embarrassment. and still no symptoms HPV DNA Test that the … Read more