Night sweats may be caused by a hot bedroom, but can also be a sign of underlying health issues. Consult a doctor through the MoDee app.

Night sweats may be caused by a hot bedroom, but can also be a sign of underlying health issues. Consult a doctor through the MoDee app.

Who is it? ❓ After going to bed at night In the morning, when I wake up, I feel like I’m sweating quite a lot, or I’m sleeping when I wake up and I can’t sleep because I’m sweating a lot. night sweats/sleep sweats found in both men and women The cause may be caused … Read more

Growth hormone is important for growth, metabolism, and immunity. Sleep, reducing sugar and fat intake, HIIT workouts, and intermittent fasting can increase it.

Growth hormone is important for growth, metabolism, and immunity. Sleep, reducing sugar and fat intake, HIIT workouts, and intermittent fasting can increase it.

growth hormone Growth hormone (GH or human growth hormone (HGH) is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland, which is important for growth in children. ready to help repair cells Metabolism regulation, weight loss, muscle growth and strength. increase muscle mass Good for bone health, memory, helps strengthen immunity. It can also help slow … Read more

8 Benefits of Zinc What does Zinc help with and what are the side effects?

8 Benefits of Zinc What does Zinc help with and what are the side effects?

Zinc is an essential mineral for many processes and systems. in many bodies This mineral is involved in helping control blood sugar levels. It is involved in DNA wound healing. functioning of the immune system growth and development Reproductive and mental health Zinc deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, such as immune … Read more

5 reasons why sugar should be avoided when trying to lose weight?

5 reasons why sugar should be avoided when trying to lose weight?

Many dietary and lifestyle habits can contribute to weight gain. The problem of having excess body fat and various health problems can follow a lot, especially the consumption of foods that are high in sugar such as sugar-sweetened beverages, candy, ice cream and sugary snacks. It is a contributing factor to weight gain and chronic … Read more

6 tips for exercising safely in the summer not a heatstroke

6 tips for exercising safely in the summer  not a heatstroke

As temperatures begin to rise in the summer, many people continue to find time to exercise. Exercising outdoors can be fun and entertaining. Getting out in the sunshine allows the body to produce vitamin D and at the same time we get a breath of fresh air in the morning. Along with stretching and sweating … Read more

4 sleep aid vitamins person with sleep problems You may be missing these vitamins!

4 sleep aid vitamins  person with sleep problems  You may be missing these vitamins!

Anyone with sleep problems It may be because we lack these vitamins. So let’s add vitamins to the body! alreadysleep aid vitaminsWhat are they? Today we will take you to know 4 prominent vitamins! (But before we go to check the list of vitamins that help sleep. Be forewarned, though, that there are studies showing … Read more

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Losing Weight risk of malnutrition From losing weight!!

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Losing Weight  risk of malnutrition  From losing weight!!

Losing weight can be difficult for some people. At times, you may feel like you’re making healthy weight loss choices. I just haven’t seen the desired results yet. It’s normal to feel like you’re not losing weight fast enough. Even after changing a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a steady weight is extremely important and requires constant … Read more