Early Screening and Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Key to Preventing Long-Term Disability After Stroke: Study

Early Screening and Treatment of Cognitive Impairment Key to Preventing Long-Term Disability After Stroke: Study

▲ A study has shown that it is necessary to screen and treat cognitive impairment early to prevent long-term disability after stroke. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=최재백 기자] Research has shown that early screening and treatment of cognitive impairment is necessary to prevent long-term disability after stroke. In order to prevent long-term disability after a stroke, … Read more

“New Study Shows GlyNAC Supplementation Reverses Age-Related Cognitive Decline”

“New Study Shows GlyNAC Supplementation Reverses Age-Related Cognitive Decline”

A study from Baylor College of Medicine has found that supplementing with GlyNAC, a compound made up of the amino acids glycine and N-acetylcysteine, can improve or reverse age-related cognitive decline in mice and humans. The compound acts as a precursor to the naturally occurring antioxidant glutathione, which is often deficient in older age and … Read more

“Arcturus Mutant: 3648 Samples Reported from 37 Countries, No Cases Found in Egypt”

“Arcturus Mutant: 3648 Samples Reported from 37 Countries, No Cases Found in Egypt”

Written by: Walid Abdel Salam Monday, May 01, 2023 08:48 PM Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for Ministry of Health and Population The mutator is Arcturus 1.16.XBB It is a strain of a mixture of subspecies of the Mutant or Micron, indicating that the Arcturus mutant was first reported on January 9, 2023. … Read more

Excessive Burping: The First Warning Sign of Colon Cancer in a 24-year-old Nurse

Excessive Burping: The First Warning Sign of Colon Cancer in a 24-year-old Nurse

Burping too much is not just embarrassing but can also be a sign of a serious health issue, as one 24-year-old nurse learned the hard way. At the age of 22, Bailey McBreen began to burp excessively, but brushed it off as a minor issue. However, two years later, in February 2022, McBreen began experiencing … Read more

Gold price predictions and fluctuations – What experts think about the future of gold prices in Egypt and globally

Gold price predictions and fluctuations – What experts think about the future of gold prices in Egypt and globally

Gold prices are witnessing severe fluctuations during the current period, and have reached record levels. In light of this rise, many are looking for predictions The price of gold in Egypt And all over the world, and some analysts expect it to witness a significant decline before returning to rise again. According to the founder … Read more

“New Pilot Research Finds Music Therapy May Aid Walking Recovery in Children with Brain Injuries”

“New Pilot Research Finds Music Therapy May Aid Walking Recovery in Children with Brain Injuries”

New research indicates that music therapy may aid children suffering from severe brain injuries to reach their goals of walking recovery. The study, published in the International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, suggests that rhythmic auditory stimulation could serve as an effective addition to standard physiotherapy by implementing rhythms to help patients maintain their stepping … Read more

“Intermittent Fasting Found Effective in Lowering Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Study”

“Intermittent Fasting Found Effective in Lowering Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Study”

A study has found that intermittent fasting is effective in lowering blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=이승재 기자] Studies have shown that intermittent fasting is effective in lowering blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. A study on the effects of intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, and standard obesity … Read more

“Repeated Infections Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia, Study Finds”

“Repeated Infections Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia, Study Finds”

A study has found that repeated infection increases the risk of dementia. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=이승재 기자] Research has shown that repeated infections increase the risk of dementia. Cognitive decline is normally observed during the aging process. Similarly, pathological aging processes are associated with cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease. According to previous studies, inflammation … Read more

Toxins from gut bacteria may cause multiple sclerosis; clostridium perfringens produces epsilon toxin linked to symptoms.

Toxins from gut bacteria may cause multiple sclerosis; clostridium perfringens produces epsilon toxin linked to symptoms.

▲ Research results have been announced that multiple sclerosis can be caused by toxins in the gut microbes. (Photo = DB) [메디컬투데이=한지혁 기자] A study has been published that multiple sclerosis can be caused by toxins in the gut microbes. A study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation found that toxins produced by gut … Read more