Free HPV vaccination will be extended to girls and boys over 14 years of age

Free HPV vaccination will be extended to girls and boys over 14 years of age

“I hope to get to vaccinate my little boy, who is 8 years old now, with all confidence, just as I vaccinated my little girl,” added Ioana Mihăilă, present at a debate on the reform of the HPV vaccination program in Romania, organized by the Mothers for Mothers Association, founded by Ana Măiţă. Ioana Mihăilă … Read more

Legault lectures Trudeau about vaccination

Legault lectures Trudeau about vaccination

Prime Minister François Legault was keen to set the record straight on Quebec’s vaccination campaign after his federal counterpart, Justin Trudeau, was exasperated by the slowness of his deployment. • Read also: Containment and curfew for one month in Quebec • Read also: Who will be able to circulate during the curfew? “Contrary to what … Read more

Record number of deaths in Ontario since June

Record number of deaths in Ontario since June

After posting a record for daily contaminations on Thursday, Ontario experienced the worst daily death toll since last June, reporting 45 deaths from coronavirus disease. The province now has 3,916 deaths from the virus. With the 1,848 new cases of COVID-19 reported on Friday, Ontario now has 136,631 infections, cumulative. The regions of Toronto and … Read more

Enrique Paris: “Covid-positive people should not vote in the plebiscite”

Enrique Paris: “Covid-positive people should not vote in the plebiscite”

Enrique Paris has permeated the Ministry of Health with his style. With more or less criticism than its predecessor, it marked a before and after. Although he tells Publimetro that “it has been very exhausting”, he focuses on patients, and on overcoming the health crisis. This, despite the fact that definitions that “bring controversy” can … Read more

Bío Bío and Magallanes with record numbers of infections: Paris says they “worry a lot” | National

Bío Bío and Magallanes with record numbers of infections: Paris says they “worry a lot” |  National

The Bío Bío region remains together with Ñuble, Araucanía and Magallanes as the four that “worry a lot”, according to the Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, in the balance of this Sunday. In the case of the Bío Bío region, eight new deaths from COVID-19 were registered during the last day, reporting 282 new cases … Read more

Paris differs from Figueroa: The return to classes and the use of them for voting has no relation | National

Paris differs from Figueroa: The return to classes and the use of them for voting has no relation |  National

The Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, referred to the controversial phrase of the Minister of Education, Raúl Figueroa, regarding whether the schools could be opened to vote for the plebiscite, it could also be opened to return to classes. Thus, Minister Paris noted that there is no relationship between the two events, indicating that educational … Read more

When will Chile reach the peak of the coronavirus ?: “It is the million dollar question” says Minister Enrique Paris

When will Chile reach the peak of the coronavirus ?: “It is the million dollar question” says Minister Enrique Paris

He Minister of Health, Enrique Paris, He reiterated that the drop in confirmed cases of coronavirus is only “slight” and does not allow to be “triumphalist”, since there are regions where a worrying increase is seen. In a interview with the Latest News, the Secretary of State also pointed out that knowing when the peak … Read more

Is it dangerous for your health to sleep with the cell phone under the pillow? This says science

Is it dangerous for your health to sleep with the cell phone under the pillow?  This says science

Many people leave their cell phone under their pillow when sleeping, but does that pose a risk to your health? here we tell you. Many of us sleep with the cell phone close to us and many others with the cell phone under their pillow, which could represent a much bigger health problem than one … Read more

Bolivian Ministry of Health announces “alarming” outbreak of dengue | NTN24

Bolivian Ministry of Health announces “alarming” outbreak of dengue | NTN24

Five people died of dengue in Bolivia and at least 9,000 are suspected of being carriers of the infection, according to the provisional balance delivered this Sunday by the Ministry of Health on the “alarming” outbreak this year. READ ALSO: Two members of the Evo Morales government were released In addition “there are eleven deaths … Read more