Outbreaks of skin diseases in the fall – what to start? – In harmony – Egoiste

Outbreaks of skin diseases in the fall – what to start?  – In harmony – Egoiste

If acne occurs, you should see a doctor in time to develop an individual treatment plan, because acne rashes often leave traces of both scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. – Atopic dermatitis. It usually begins in childhood and can continue into later life. The most common manifestations are pink skin, itching, rash, cracking and scaling of … Read more

On Saturday, 376 new cases of Covid-19 were detected – in Latvia – News

On Saturday, 376 new cases of Covid-19 were detected – in Latvia – News

There are no new Covid-19 victims in the past day. – The proportion of positive tests in the past day has reached 9.2%. — The SPCC has previously explained that this figure is considered important in the European Union, as above 4%, the spread of the disease is considered to be rapid and uncontrolled. – … Read more

Healthcare continues to provide early detection swabs for uterine cancer and fetal anomalies

Healthcare continues to provide early detection swabs for uterine cancer and fetal anomalies

The Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of the Health Care Authority continues to provide comprehensive health insurance services in cooperation with the Egyptian Association for Cervical Endoscopy, and early detection of cervical cancer swabs are provided free of charge in the hospital on Friday and Saturday 27 and 28 November . The Health Care Authority said … Read more

A thing that has been affecting since childhood. How to determine your temperament and infer your health risks? – Breath – Free time

A thing that has been affecting since childhood.  How to determine your temperament and infer your health risks?  – Breath – Free time

What is temperament? Temperament is an inherited way of functioning of our nervous system. These are the individual differences of a person, on the basis of which character traits are later formed. Temperament traits are most evident in infants and children at an early age, at a time when personality traits have not yet developed … Read more

The number of coronavirus cases in the United States exceeds ten million – News

The number of coronavirus cases in the United States exceeds ten million – News

The country with a population of 330 million has the highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, as well as the number of Covid-19-related deaths, which has already exceeded 237,000. – The number of hospitalizations, deaths and infections is rising. More than 100,000 new infections have been reported every day in recent weeks. – … Read more

Emergency situation in Latvia: Information on current restrictions – in Latvia – News

Emergency situation in Latvia: Information on current restrictions – in Latvia – News

Sports training, including interest education and vocational education programs, can be organized outdoors, individually or remotely, — taking into account that no more than 10 persons, excluding sports specialists and sports staff, gather simultaneously in an organized training group for the performance of sports training outdoors, and changing rooms are not used. – Indoor sports … Read more

Who is Giuseppe Zuccatelli, the new health commissioner of Calabria

Who is Giuseppe Zuccatelli, the new health commissioner of Calabria

AGI – The new ad acta commissioner of Calabrian health, Giuseppe Zuccatelli, has a long experience in the field of health management. Zuccatelli, 76 years old from Cesena, was also president of Agenas and has also had managerial positions in Campania e Abruzzo: arrived in Calabria in December 2019, after the appointment of the government … Read more

three positive health – Corriere dell’Umbria

three positive health – Corriere dell’Umbria

Covid cast of Medicine d’urgency dell’Hospital St. John the Baptist of Foligno closed due to the positivity of three health workers. This news is confirmed by the Usl Umbria 2 company, which has ordered the sanitation of the premises “in order to resume activities within the department as soon as possible”. The latter, in fact, … Read more

Self-isolation will still not be required after returning from Greece, Finland, Estonia and Norway – Latvia – News

Self-isolation will still not be required after returning from Greece, Finland, Estonia and Norway – Latvia – News

When returning from other countries not listed in the SPKC, self-isolation will be required. – Currently, the self-isolation threshold has been adjusted to Latvia’s current two-week cumulative incidence of Covid-19 per 100,000 population, which is currently 121.82 cases. – For countries outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United … Read more

On Thursday, 284 new cases of Covid-19 infection were registered, five people died – in Latvia – News

On Thursday, 284 new cases of Covid-19 infection were registered, five people died – in Latvia – News

Five people infected with Covid-19 died yesterday. One of them was in the age group from 40 to 45 years, the others – in the age group from 65 to 85 years. – This is the highest number of infections and deaths registered in one day. So far, both rates were highest on October 24, … Read more