“The Tale of the Thai Prime Minister’s Alleged Harvard Education: Separating Fact from Fiction”

“The Tale of the Thai Prime Minister’s Alleged Harvard Education: Separating Fact from Fiction”

Is another issue for the study of the Thai Prime Minister “Tim Phitha Limcharoenrat” After the previous information was published in a flattering manner, he was the first Thai scholarship student at a world-renowned university like “Harvard” (Harvard University) before someone suspects and argues that it’s not true. because referred to graduating as another “Harvard” … Read more

“Harvard” won the #1 nation-building university in 2023

“Harvard” won the #1 nation-building university in 2023

Journalists reported that Professor Dr. Kriengsak Charoen Wongsak President of Nation-Building International Institute (NBII) collaborates with partner organizations such as Nation-Building Institute Malaysia, Institute of Future Studies for Development, Social Science Society of Thailand and Asia Future Institute ( South Korea), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, Lund University, Sweden and University of California, San Diego, … Read more